Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:43 pm
1. Place all the 12.00am to 8.00am users in same profile. For the purpose of this write, I will call the profile "12-8".
2. Make a scheduler to run at "00:00:00" and interval "1d 00:00:00", the copy and paste this codes into the "On Event":
/ip hotspot user en [find \
3. Make another scheduler to run at "08:00:00" and interval "1d 00:00:00", the copy and paste this codes into the "On Event":
/ip hotspot user disable [find \
:delay 5
:foreach i in=[/ip hotspot user find disabled=yes] do={/ip hotspot active remove [find user=[/ip hotspot user get $i name]]}
You can now go to sleep while the router does all the work!