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signal level ...

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:45 pm
by mateo
I've got situation like this
MT + AR5210 + 7m CNT-400 (andrew) + pigtail 40 cm + panel antenna Mars 23 dBi

1,4 km full line of sight; fresnal zone clear

MT + AR5210 + 5 m CNT-400 + pigtail + Mars 23 dBi

supported rates 6 to 24 mbit
5120 MHz

i'got signal level like -70 to -73
i think it's too low
on traffic on link (2 mbit FullDuplex) ping are about 2 to 10 ms
with traffic about 5 mbit FD up to 100 ms
after change one 5210 to 5212 situation doesn't change
levels are the same
if I change frequency (up) signal is dropping down
with 5GHz without turbo - the same

what could it be ?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:58 pm
by mateo
one more
on both sides ACK is always 25

status: running-ap
band: 5ghz-turbo
frequency: 5120
overall-tx-ccq: 17
registered-clients: 1
current-ack-timeout: 25
current-distance: 25
nstreme: no

Re: signal level ...

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:17 pm
by jonbrewer
I've got situation like this
MT + AR5210 + 7m CNT-400 (andrew) + pigtail 40 cm + panel antenna Mars 23 dBi

1,4 km full line of sight; fresnal zone clear

MT + AR5210 + 5 m CNT-400 + pigtail + Mars 23 dBi

i'got signal level like -70 to -73
i think it's too low

what could it be ?
40cm pigtail could be too long - especially if the pigtail is not rated for 5GHz. We keep our pigtails less than 10cm

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:47 pm
by pauljatho
I am not familiar with the mars antenna's but what frequencies is the one that you are using optimised for ? perhaps it is optimised for either 5.3Ghz or 5.8Ghz hence the problems. Have you tried running 5210, 5250, 5290, 5760 and 5800 ? at -70 you should have no problems running turbo mode I have links with -80 running turbo mode well and that's over distances of nearly 20KM you should have no issues at 1.4KM.

My setup is very similar to yours i.e. 5212 card, 30cm pigtail, 40cm LMR400 into a 5.8Ghz Hyperlink 24Dbi dish antenna.