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Routing or Bridging, boning 2 wireless p2ps, RIP

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:04 pm
by CoolTom
Hi all. I have question about routing, IP plans and Bonding two wireless p2p.

Sorry for the picture, it was more easy hand draw :)

Now I have simple setup:

Internet - GW Mikrotik ----- 5GHz Mikrotik ***** 5GHz Mikrotik ----- Router Mikrotik --- other LANs (on picture only LINK A).
Between every Mikrotik is different subnet and roting is done with RIP help - no need to care about routing/GW on each Mikrotik on way.

I would like to go advanced and add second wireless p2p link and set it up as active backup using bonding.

So i add LINK B and Bonding interface with EoIP thro LINK A and second EoIP thro LINK B (Between routers MTA and MTB).

How to do the adressing now. Still use RIP or another protocol is better for this setup? Put all Microtiks between MTA and MTB (ether1+wlan1) into 1 subnet bridge (subnet A for LINKA and Subnet B for LINKB)?

Make shure, that the traffic to internet will not go thro wireless LINK A or B, but thro BONDING (EoIP1 or EoIP2) interface (so the switching if LINKA fail is working). But still be able access Mikrotiks D-F.

Thnx for ideas.

Re: Routing or Bridging, boning 2 wireless p2ps, RIP

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:07 pm
by CoolTom
Or make the question more simple. How to setup automatic routing on the whole network and failover on 2 paraller wireless links (main LINKA and backup LINKB).

OSPF on whole network (as one backbone area)?
OR RIP+ manual rotinng on some routers + EoIP thro wireless and bond them?

Or another better solution?