Hi all
We have a hotspot set up with the trial user option. This allows potential customers 15 minutes unlimited access to the internet to test the system. The 15 minute period is reset every 29 hours to stop regular visitors coming by at the same time every day, and gaining access for free every day.
Well - that was the theory.
99% of the customers are doing exactly that, connecting, clicking on trial user, trying it. Then they either pay for service or come back a few days later and use it again (we don't mind that - as long as we get a high enough sign-up rate)
One person is changing their MAC address every 15 minutes. The MAC addresses started off being randomly chosen as if "by hand". I.e. a human was clearly choosing new values each time. E.g. 00:01:02:03:04:05 was one they chose.
Now this person has automated some of this process and each of the MAC address fields are either being incremented by one, or generated randomly.
Each time I look in the DHCP Leases table, I see that the computer name is always the same. "MacBook-Pro".
Anyone have any thoughts on how to put a stop to this user? At the minimum, I was thinking of being subtle to start with, perhaps adding some extra line in the login.html page that identifies them and puts on a message asking him to sign up and pay like everyone else!
Really I want to just allow him to use the Trial user system normally like everyone else, but as it is all linked to the assumption that a MAC Address is "unique" - I guess I'm completely stuffed?
Unless there is some script or firewall rule that can take his computer name and then drop him every time he tries to connect? (But then of course any genuine customer who also owns a computer called "MacBook-Pro" will also be dropped:( )
You can see I have been thinking about the problems of this for some time!
So far - we only have the one person doing this - but if they tell all their mates on how easy it is to bypass this system, we'll have to just stop the trial system - which at the moment we're loathed to do as that is what we have advertised we have setup in all the local press articles and advertising.