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VOIP/UDP connections failling to terminate after wan failover

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:51 pm
by shivansps
Im using advanced 2 wan failover as showed in this example ... _Scripting

But im having a severe issue, if the WAN1 goes down, it switchs to WAN2, thats OK, but after doing that all UDP connections that were trought WAN1 fail to close, this means, external sip phone cant re-register after DNS update, my VOIP box running Freepbx is also unable to re-register the trunk, and this will stay like this even if WAN1 comes back online.

There are two manual fixes for, i either reboot the router or manually terminate all UDP connections in connection tracking.

Any idea of what is going on here?

Re: VOIP/UDP connections failling to terminate after wan failover

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:40 pm
by CZFan
Topic below might give you more insight


Re: VOIP/UDP connections failling to terminate after wan failover

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:06 pm
by shivansps
So i have to have a script runing very minute to check if the gateway has changed to remove ALL UDP connections? And this is not considered a bug? wha...?

Ok i got the script up and running, it works, but why?... im using masquerade why on earth i need to do this with a script? It should be auto clearing the connections on gateway going down. Or this caused by using recursive routing for advanced failover? in souch case i would consider it a bug regardless.

And it seems to ONLY affect UDP, as my SSTP VPNs do re-connect whiout having to go and kill TCP connections.