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Connect 2 different network with RB750GR3

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:25 pm
by DoubleM92

I'm new and a beginner on network.

I have a mirkotic RB750GR3 and I would like to connect 2 different network (for test to simulate a router)

On eth1 I connect a device with and Gateway
On eth2 I connect a device with and Gateway

How I can connect the two different network on eth1 and eth2 on my Mirkotik ?
What is the correct methods? Is this a bridge or a router roule?

Re: Connect 2 different network with RB750GR3

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:52 pm
by horstkevin
Hi there,

just go in winbox to "IP-> Addresses" and give eth1 and eth2 an ip address in the specific lan.

when there are no firewall rules you dont need to do anything else. It just works, because a router routes!
Go to "IP->Routes" and there you will find dynamically builded routes to each subnet (DAC in first column - dynamically, active, connected).
The 2 LANs are not separated when there are no firewall rules.
when you are on device you can reach device

But you cannot use ip-broadcasting or anything like that because the devices are still in different subnets - they cant find each other with auto-detection functions in windows etc (via IP).

A bridge only makes sense, when eth1 and eth2 are in the same subnet.

Re: Connect 2 different network with RB750GR3

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:53 pm
by Zacharias
Two directly connected routers know each other...!