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mysterious packet dropping when iface removed from bridge

Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:33 pm

Not sure how to reproduce this one, or if the bridge really had anything to do with it. i'll just describe the symptoms.

2.9.42 routing-test on pc.

While trying to get OSPF working to another router, it was noticed that the remote side was stuck in init, and the local router didn't show anything for the other side.

Turning on ospf logging showed that the local side claimed to only be sending hellos, and never received anything. Looking at a firewall rule for OSPF showed no incoming traffic (the rule was set up to accept/count ospf traffic).

However, using the packet sniffer did show that hello's were in fact being received from the other side. (they were not showing up in the ospf log, or in the firewall rule however).

Upon rebooting the PC, everything started working.

The interface we were trying to establish ospf over was part of a bridge, and then removed from the bridge, which is the only thing I can think of that might have screwed it up somehow. Other traffic seemed to be transiting it just fine though. I would tend to think that OSPF was just not listening to the non-bridged version of the interface, except that the firewall rules also did not see the ospf traffic, only the packet sniffer did.

So it appears the packets were somehow dropped or misdirected between the level the packet sniffer operates at, and the rest of RouterOS.

We've seen similar problems in the past like this after making significant configuration changes, and when things look like they should work, but aren't, we find rebooting usually solves the problem, but its perplexing.

Unfortunately, I didn't generate a supout before rebooting.
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Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:22 am

I have a similar problem except that reboot does not help.

Tonight on 2 MTs OSPF stopped working. They do not see neighbors.
A cisco and another MT on the same network see each other and
keep working.

I see that they are sending to, but I cant see the packets
coming in another router nor do I see the packets of the working
routers at the not working ones.

Ping to give the expected results. The working routers
are answering each other. The not working only respond to themselve.

It looks like the multicast mechanism is dead on these routers.

Tried routing and routing-test. Upgraded to 2.9.42. No change.
Deleted OSPF-Config and IP-Address.

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Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:25 am

Forgot one detail. One of the routers not working has ospf enabled
on another interface. This keeps working. So ping to gives
the routers on the other interface.

Forum Guru
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Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:38 am

One more :wink:

Neighbor discovery does not work also on the problem routers.
Posts: 46
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Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:12 pm

Sounds exactly like the problem I am having. I will try a reboot of the MT when I have no clients online.
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Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:22 pm

I sent a supout to support. Got a reply from support.
Looks like problem is known and will be fixed
in the next release.
