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3 Devices, 1 Port.

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:37 pm
by bakra
Hello everyone,

I have 3 NVRs at my office and want to access them from outside with application. Seems easy right? :)

Here come the complications :)) all 3 of this NVRs have one remote port (e.g 1234), which I cannot change :( Also I have 2 routers, HPE-Main and Mikrotik-CCTV (which sits behind HPE).

It was simple to get one of them to work, but now I'm just hanging here without clues.

What options do I have? Is there a way? :)))

Thank you

Re: 3 Devices, 1 Port.

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:40 pm
by erlinden
Assuming you are using port forwards (which is in my opinion not a good option), you can only choose different public ports (translating to the private ports of the cameras.
In my network I only have VPN access from the Internet, any device can be reached on IP address while there is a VPN connection.

Re: 3 Devices, 1 Port.  [SOLVED]

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 10:23 pm
by ingdaka
Yes you have:
1. Do not use port forward but use Cloud if is supported by your NVR (maybe you will have problems if both routers make NAT)
2. Change External Port: for 1st you have user public port 1234 and private 1234, for 2nd use public 1233 and private 1234 and 3rd use public 1232 and private 1234! - Easy way!

Re: 3 Devices, 1 Port.

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:51 am
by bakra
Yes you have:
1. Do not use port forward but use Cloud if is supported by your NVR (maybe you will have problems if both routers make NAT)
2. Change External Port: for 1st you have user public port 1234 and private 1234, for 2nd use public 1233 and private 1234 and 3rd use public 1232 and private 1234! - Easy way!
Thank you guys for swift response.

Right after post, I realized that and did it that way, it worked!