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OSPF between multiple backbone areas possible ?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:23 pm
by igac
I'm in a situation with 4 separate networks, each with it's own subnet and multiple routers running ospf with independent backbone area.
Now the idea is to enable routing accross all networks but I have limited experience with ospf on ros.


How to configure this with ospf in regard that in the beginning each network runs ospf independantly?
Can I somehow exchange routes between multiple backbone areas or do I have to bring all those networks into one backbone ?



Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:08 am
by cmacneill
My understanding of OSPF is that there can only be one backbone for all routers to pass OSPF data to one another.

If you have a non-contiguous network, i.e. segments that are connected via Internet or VPN, then you need to add Virtual Links in order for the OSPF data to correctly traverse the links.

I tried setting up OSPF as I've always heard of horror stories with RIP and originally wanted Dynamic WDS connections, but after much hassle with both Dynamic WDS and OSPF I eventually gave up and now have everything running through Static WDS and RIP quite happily.


Chris Macneill

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:24 pm
by mrz
make your current backbone areas as other areas, and link them in one backbone area.