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VPN between M.T. routers

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:51 am
by ramirez
In location (A), I have a M.T. router ( that is connected to a modem that has address and runs a DHCP server

I have created a VPN connection with location (B) that has a LAN address and everything works fine. I wish to do the same with 2 other locations that also have a LAN and I cannot change that.
I was thinking to run in location (C) a DHCP client on M.Ts. ethernet port to get the address from the modem and then have a separate LAN range with DHCP server running on the M.T's.WIFI e.g. and have the 2 subnets reach each other with static routes.

Re: VPN between M.T. routers

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:17 pm
by ramirez
Thought to include this to explain it better: