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Use own username in Tools variables

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:11 am
by paolopoz
Hello all!
I work in a team and I am responsible for transitioning from using everybody a single password for all the routers to managing access with different groups and RADIUS login.

Most of us use the Dude and especially the feature of Tools > Winbox into the devices.
It would be nice to use this feature while accessing with own username and password but I don't know if it's possible to do.
I was thinking of creating that same users in Dude machine or use RADIUS also for Dude access, then refer to that username/password in the command of the Tool
For example, now we have:
%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\winbox.exe [Device.FirstAddress] [Device.UserName] "[Device.Password]"
then we would have something like:
%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\winbox.exe [Device.FirstAddress] [Own.UserName] "[Own.Password]"
Obviously this last is just an example.

Do someone know if this is possible?

Re: Use own username in Tools variables

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:22 pm
by kriszos
Unfortunately it is not possible. and this is very dissapointing.
When I faced the same problem as you. I setup winbox tool like this
%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\winbox.exe [Device.FirstAddress]

Now users has to provide their own passwords in Winbox everytime they access devices

The user setup on dude device object is also rsdius user, but has only custom read access just so junior network admins can monitor network and access devices as read user
%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\winbox.exe [Device.FirstAddress] [Device.UserName] "[Device.Password]"
When I need to update all devices via dude i change group of that user to full group and reconnect this devices in dude. When Update is done i change back group to my custom read group and reconnect devices again.

Ii is clearly not very preety hack, but until MikroTik team add levels of pivileges to devices by dude users. I have to use this.

If someone else have better solution, please let us know.

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