Hi there,
What im trying to do is, DMZ all traffic to a local host including ping requests. I also want to hide my RB from trace-routes... Is this possible?
Thanks Sob, I get the first dst-nat part but don't get the second. Would you have an example command for this?Sure it is. First is simple dstnat, same thing like when you forward ports, only you skip protocol and it will take all. And for second, use mangle to increase ttl by one, and block ttl exceeded packets from RB to client using filter in output.
/ip firewall mangle
add action=change-ttl chain=prerouting new-ttl=increment:1 passthrough=yes src-address=
Awesome! thanks Sob.In fact, dropping packets is not necessary, just change TTL. For example, this will cause client to not see router in traceroute:
Code: Select all/ip firewall mangle add action=change-ttl chain=prerouting new-ttl=increment:1 passthrough=yes src-address=