I ran into trouble with HW offloading on CRS326-24G-2S+.
On interface "uplink" an CRS326-24S+2Q+ is connected by 802.1ad (2 * 10GbE), this interface works properly
with HW offload.
On interface "backup-src" a FreeBSD 12.1 server is connected with 802.1ad (2 * GE). This
connection does not HW offload and therefore there is a poor performance and high CPU load.
802.1ad config on FreeBSD is ok, at least it works with a Cisco Nexus 3000 used for reference.
Config on CRS326-24G-2S+
Code: Select all
# may/02/2020 12:01:18 by RouterOS 6.46.5
# software id = PUMZ-Z25Q
# model = CRS326-24G-2S+
# serial number = 94550BB498A4
/interface bridge
add name=bridge1 vlan-filtering=yes
add name=vlan2
/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge1 interface=uplink
add bridge=vlan2 interface=VLAN2
add bridge=vlan2 interface=backup-srv
/interface bridge vlan
add bridge=bridge1 tagged=uplink,bridge1 untagged=vlan2 vlan-ids=2
/interface bonding
add lacp-rate=1sec mode=802.3ad name=backup-srv slaves=ether15,ether16
add lacp-rate=1sec mode=802.3ad name=uplink slaves=sfp-sfpplus1,sfp-sfpplus2
FreeBSD Interface Config
Code: Select all
ifconfig_lagg0="laggproto lacp laggport em0 laggport em1"
I have no clue, what is wrong with this configuration.
Please give me a hint.
best regards