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Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:10 pm
by rkrisi
Dear Community!

For IoT devices I need to be able to route mDNS broadcast traffic through VLANs.
I saw that this is only currently possible with an external server (or maybe a MetaRouter with OpenWRT, but unfortunately my router - RB4011 - doesn't support MetaRouter yet).

Not a big problem, I already have a RPi which only works as a local DNS server (Pi-hole). I thought I will install avahi-reflector on that one.
However I don't know what will be the correct configuration for it.
Right now it is plugged into one of the ether ports on the router. The port is an untagged access port, which is only visible on my private VLAN and a firewall forward rule is set to allow the guest network to access the DNS server. This works really great.

However now I don't know how I could preserve these functions and also be able to use the reflector. If I read it right, you still have to use your private VLAN (in this scenario) as untagged and set the router to route the guest vlan for the Reflector server as a tagged.

This is the right approach for this? Will it affect the DNS server? I assume it might be that in this scenario the DNS server will be also accessible through the guest VLAN (I mean the web interface of the DNS server).

Thanks for your help!

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 1:46 pm
by rkrisi
What I have tried: adding the interface of the RPI to the guest vlan as tagged and setting up a sub interface in RPI for the guest vlan. However the RPI did not get a valid address for that vlan, even after enabling DHCP for that sub interface

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 9:55 pm
by rkrisi
Ok I think I have found the solution to this. As I have not found a simple guide to this, I provide it here, what worked for me:

Basically followed this guide: ... i-gateway/

As for VLAN setup: set the port to tagged for every vlan, just add an interface on your Linux server as the guide says. Just don't forget to change that port to admit-all frame-type if you have enabled ingress filtering.

Ps.: Google Chromecast/Apple Airplay devices seems to work now... Spotify Connect devices still not show up...

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:15 pm
by rkrisi
Only other vendor (like Denon) devices don't show up in Spotify Connect. Google Chromecasts work fine.
I need to fine tune this for Denon devices to work: ... s-for-heos

I just need to enable igmp across vlan and these ports...

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:04 am
by jwbtx
Kudos to you for sticking with the thread and posting updates!

I am installing all Unifi equipment, but dont want to leave RouterOS behind. My project is to break up my network into LAN, IoT & NoT. Right now I am dumping all VLANs to the LAN network. I have implemented policies restricting traffic to the LAN - have not moved anything over to their respective SSIDs(VLANs) yet, but I dont have mdns or "VLAN Filtering" turned on in the bridge interface, so I'm expecting issues. Coming across your post was encouraging and helpful.



Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:37 pm
by rkrisi
I'm unfortunately stuck with this.
mDNS reflection seems to be working fine, printers, AirPlay devices shows up correctly on every VLAN immediately and works as it should.
Though Chromecast devices and Spotify Connect devices don't seem to be working flawlessly. So these devices may need additional config besides mDNS, but I don't know where I should look...

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:26 pm
by RackKing
I'm unfortunately stuck with this.
mDNS reflection seems to be working fine, printers, AirPlay devices shows up correctly on every VLAN immediately and works as it should.
Though Chromecast devices and Spotify Connect devices don't seem to be working flawlessly. So these devices may need additional config besides mDNS, but I don't know where I should look...
I have this working with Chromecast - did you apply firewall firewall filters that allow traffic?

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:53 pm
by rkrisi
I'm unfortunately stuck with this.
mDNS reflection seems to be working fine, printers, AirPlay devices shows up correctly on every VLAN immediately and works as it should.
Though Chromecast devices and Spotify Connect devices don't seem to be working flawlessly. So these devices may need additional config besides mDNS, but I don't know where I should look...
I have this working with Chromecast - did you apply firewall firewall filters that allow traffic?
Well, it seems it is also working for me. I had to reset Wi-Fi on some of the Chromecast devices, I don't know why, but it now seems working.
You allow access for Chromecast devices on Firewall from multiple networks? I did not tested it from my Guest network fully (which does not have access to any local network), but it finds the Chromecast devices from there as well (but I did not try to connect to them yet from there), so I assume that access is needed for these devices to connect?

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 8:09 pm
by rkrisi
Kudos to you for sticking with the thread and posting updates!

I am installing all Unifi equipment, but dont want to leave RouterOS behind. My project is to break up my network into LAN, IoT & NoT. Right now I am dumping all VLANs to the LAN network. I have implemented policies restricting traffic to the LAN - have not moved anything over to their respective SSIDs(VLANs) yet, but I dont have mdns or "VLAN Filtering" turned on in the bridge interface, so I'm expecting issues. Coming across your post was encouraging and helpful.


Sorry I did not saw this response before!
Yes, it won't work out of the box, but if you use Unifi you might have better experience with this. As far as I know Unifi has a builtin mDNS reflector, so you just have to turn on a switch for this to work.
As described this should be enough, but there might be differences in devices. If I get this working fully (unfortunately I don't have much time for this so I'm slowly migrating my devices to my IoT network), I will might do a full post on what is needed for this to work...

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:30 pm
by rkrisi
So the progress is:
  • Chromecast devices work fully on my main network. Guest network does not seem to work, even with mDNS reflection. On Guest network everything is blocked except WAN traffic. As soon as I enable the vlan_guest network to access everything, devices appear. I don't know what I need to add to the firewall for this to work. Simple address list with the chromecast devices address are not enough.
  • Denon devices with Spotify Connect is really unstable. The Denon HEOS app works great, but Spotify Connect not. The Denon devices usually won't show up in the Devices list, only the Chromeast devices. But sometimes it does show up and for example my PC and iPad always shows these Denon devices also, but my phone and other phones don't...

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:57 pm
by RackKing
So the progress is:
  • Chromecast devices work fully on my main network. Guest network does not seem to work, even with mDNS reflection. On Guest network everything is blocked except WAN traffic. As soon as I enable the vlan_guest network to access everything, devices appear. I don't know what I need to add to the firewall for this to work. Simple address list with the chromecast devices address are not enough.
I depends on how your firewall is written, but I think you need a to forward (allow) traffic from main to guest. Just give the guest network access to the Avahi reflector, assuming it is sitting on the main network.

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:34 pm
by rkrisi
So the progress is:
  • Chromecast devices work fully on my main network. Guest network does not seem to work, even with mDNS reflection. On Guest network everything is blocked except WAN traffic. As soon as I enable the vlan_guest network to access everything, devices appear. I don't know what I need to add to the firewall for this to work. Simple address list with the chromecast devices address are not enough.
I depends on how your firewall is written, but I think you need a to forward (allow) traffic from main to guest. Just give the guest network access to the Avahi reflector, assuming it is sitting on the main network.
Well, you might be right, so I would try this. You mean to allow traffic only to that device?
  • It was the input chain rule which caused Chromecast devices to appear. So I added a rule to the input chain, not forward which allows access to the whole network from guest network.
  • The reflector has multiple (virtual) interfaces and it has it's own address in every subnetwork. Browsing with avahi-browse I can see that it reflects all traffic to every interface it has. I thought this is the meaning of the reflector.
  • On its local interface (the one which is in the guest network) I can access the reflector.

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 7:07 pm
by RackKing

Well, you might be right, so I would try this. You mean to allow traffic only to that device?
  • It was the input chain rule which caused Chromecast devices to appear. So I added a rule to the input chain, not forward which allows access to the whole network from guest network.
  • The reflector has multiple (virtual) interfaces and it has it's own address in every subnetwork. Browsing with avahi-browse I can see that it reflects all traffic to every interface it has. I thought this is the meaning of the reflector.
  • On its local interface (the one which is in the guest network) I can access the reflector.

Yes the reflector can grab and IP from every vlan and reflect that traffic. But the to and from devices need to be able to reach each other as the source and destination. Input rules are traffic destined for the router itself. That may be appropriate for a Unfi USG environment that runs the service. These should be forward rules. I am not at home or I would post some. In my case I can have a Kids and Guest VLAN discover a chromecast on my main network and push content. I have to forward/accept traffic from the kids/guest (address list in my case) to the chomercasts IPs (again I have more than one so I put them in an address list. I may have the revers rules as well chomecasts > Kids/Guest, but I cannot remember.

"Browsing with avahi-browse I can see that it reflects all traffic to every interface it has. I thought this is the meaning of the reflector." - I think that is correct, but you still have to allow the inter vlan communication to flow. Again - this is somewhat dependent on how you have your firewall setup.

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 7:55 pm
by rkrisi

Well, you might be right, so I would try this. You mean to allow traffic only to that device?
  • It was the input chain rule which caused Chromecast devices to appear. So I added a rule to the input chain, not forward which allows access to the whole network from guest network.
  • The reflector has multiple (virtual) interfaces and it has it's own address in every subnetwork. Browsing with avahi-browse I can see that it reflects all traffic to every interface it has. I thought this is the meaning of the reflector.
  • On its local interface (the one which is in the guest network) I can access the reflector.
Yes the reflector can grab and IP from every vlan and reflect that traffic. But the to and from devices need to be able to reach each other as the source and destination. Input rules are traffic destined for the router itself. That may be appropriate for a Unfi USG environment that runs the service. These should be forward rules. I am not at home or I would post some. In my case I can have a Kids and Guest VLAN discover a chromecast on my main network and push content. I have to forward/accept traffic from the kids/guest (address list in my case) to the chomercasts IPs (again I have more than one so I put them in an address list. I may have the revers rules as well chomecasts > Kids/Guest, but I cannot remember.

"Browsing with avahi-browse I can see that it reflects all traffic to every interface it has. I thought this is the meaning of the reflector." - I think that is correct, but you still have to allow the inter vlan communication to flow. Again - this is somewhat dependent on how you have your firewall setup.
Yes I also have an address list with the Chromecast devices IP addresses, and I added them as to the forward chain, so from every network you can access these IPs (no additional config is made there, so everything is forwarded to these IPs) I think this is the same as you are talking about (or not?). I would be happy if you can show how you did this.
And I almost forgot: I connected my phone to my guest network, that one found the Chromecast devices (I think some caching is done here, so discover does not happen every time) and until I did not have this rule to forward packets to Chromecast IPs I was not able to connect to the Chromecast device (so this makes sense). However newly connected devices (and my laptop for example) does not discover devices until I have a rule which allows the guest network for full network access (which I don't want to have).

Here are my exact firewall rules:
 0    ;;; Allow Estab & Related
      chain=input action=accept connection-state=established,related log=no log-prefix="" 

 1    ;;; Allow OpenVPN
      chain=input action=accept protocol=tcp dst-port=1194 log=no log-prefix="" 

 2    ;;; Allow VLAN_PRIVATE Full Access
      chain=input action=accept in-interface-list=PRIVATE log=no log-prefix="" 

 3    ;;; Temporary rule!
      chain=input action=accept in-interface=vlan_iot log=no log-prefix="" 

 4 X  chain=input action=accept in-interface=vlan_guest log=no log-prefix="" 

 5    ;;; Multicast IGMP
      chain=input action=accept protocol=igmp in-interface-list=VLAN log=no log-prefix="" 

 6    ;;; Drop
      chain=input action=drop connection-state="" log=no log-prefix="" 

 7    ;;; Accept port forwards
      chain=forward action=accept connection-state=new connection-nat-state=dstnat log=no log-prefix="" 

 8    ;;; Allow Estab & Related
      chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established,related log=no log-prefix="" 

 9    ;;; Temporary rule!
      chain=forward action=accept in-interface=vlan_iot log=no log-prefix="" 

10    ;;; Allow NAS Access
      chain=forward action=accept dst-address= src-address-list=NAS log=no log-prefix="" 

11    ;;; Allow Streaming on VLANs
      chain=forward action=accept dst-address-list=Stream log=no log-prefix="" 

12    ;;; VLAN Internet Access only
      chain=forward action=accept connection-state=new in-interface-list=VLAN out-interface-list=WAN log=no log-prefix="" 

13    ;;; Forward queries from openVPN
      chain=forward action=accept in-interface-list=PRIVATE log=no log-prefix="" 

14    ;;; Drop
      chain=forward action=drop connection-state="" log=no log-prefix="" 

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:47 pm
by rkrisi
It seems that on a new device even on my private vlan the Chromecasts won't work.
On my private vlan everything is accessible and for debugging purposes now everything is also allowed from the IoT network, but still I can't get this to work.
I have downloaded a Bonjour Browser which lists the mDNS traffic basically. On both networks (Main and Guest) all mDNS traffic can be seen and it can resolve and show correct mDNS records. Also services purely relying on mDNS works correctly since the beginning (like HomeKit, AirPlay, AirPrint (CUPS)). So it might be something else why my Chromecast devices and Spotify Connect (HEOS) devices don't work correctly.

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:05 am
by RackKing
Sorry I spaced post those filters rules.... I will try to get at it when I get home.

That is strange the new device cannot work.

What is the igmp all for?

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:51 pm
by rkrisi
Sorry I spaced post those filters rules.... I will try to get at it when I get home.

That is strange the new device cannot work.

What is the igmp all for?
It seems that some device don't just use mDNS but also IGMP to discover devices.
Even Chromecast for Chrome mentions that IGMP is also needed. My Denon HEOS speakers also specifies that IGMP forwarding is needed. And looking into this closer, this is the only thing which is not working properly.
mDNS is correct I'm sure now, but looking at IGMP packets in Wireshark, I can't see any igmp packet forwarded from my IoT vlan to my main network...

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:07 am
by rkrisi
Ok I might have found the problem and maybe someone could help me with a correct avahi reflector config

IGMP forwarding is really needed, though looking at Wireshark a simple IGMP Proxy setup is enough, no need to mess with PIM.
The problem seems to be with avahi-reflector, but I don't know what is the exact problem. If I stop the reflector and wait a little, open Spotify and then start the reflector everything pops up correctly in the devices list (even Chromecast works fully and much faster). However restarting the Spotify app, the devices will disappear and will not be seen until I restart the reflector again...

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik  [SOLVED]

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:39 pm
by rkrisi
Finally solved this!

So from Mikrotik perspective, everything was set up properly. You might need IGMP proxy for some devices, but no need for PIM (some suggested that IGMP is not enough, even though every guide says it uses IGMP), just a simple IGMP-Proxy setup will do.

I have switched from avahi to this mdns reflector:

I don't know what was the problem with avahi, because it kinda worked, Google Chromecast devices and Apple related stuffs as I said earlier worked correctly, but some services won't. That's why I never thought that the mDNS reflector is not working correctly, because some things worked anyways and also browsing mDNS traffic, everything reported correctly.
However switching mdns reflector, everything started to work immediately. Also discovery is faster now in every service.
There is a newer avahi-daemon version (8.0) but I did not have time to build it (not available through apt yet), it might solve these issues (but I don't know why this happens).

Anyway thanks for everyone trying to help! It would be great if Mikrotik could implement its own mDNS reflector. Then this might worked for first try and you don't need to mess around 3rd party services and devices.

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:31 pm
by chriscolden
Thank you. I too never gave it a thought that avahi wasn't working as expected because of the devices showing up and only groups missing. Thought it was a google screw up.
I've switch myself and a mate to mdns-repeater and both are now fully working.

Thanks again.

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:42 pm
by kaczkalolo
So to sum this up- i still need RPI and that mdns reflector ( to make it work?

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:09 am
by jwbtx
Finally solved this!

For anyone using Unifi APs (and switches), just keep your MT as your core router. I was looking forward to everything in the Unifi console.
The USG has an issue with CIDRs bigger than /24, no real easy way to ingest large IP lists and the GEO IP (still in beta) filtering has no way to whitelist.
I'm testing the USG as a LAN only repeater, but I think I'll spin this up in a virtualbox vm.


Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:02 pm
by rufens
So to sum this up- i still need RPI and that mdns reflector ( to make it work?
As far as MT doesn't allow to build own package - yes. Any linux box with 2 interfaces can compile&run this mdns-repeater tool I think.

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:05 am
by jwbtx
I finally got down to this on the list. Installed on PI running ubuntu. Followed your journal, and chrisreinking blog and so far no issues. I installed all the avahi components via the chrisreinking blog.
I grabbed the ports from I opened only what I wanted to back to my private LAN.
1400, 3400, 3401, and 3500 Sonos app contr (tcp)
443 (tcp)
4070 spotifyconnect (tcp) - I not sure what this does. I cant stream from my desktop to my sonos.
1900, 1901 Sonos app control (udp)
5252 spotifyconnect (udp)


Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:21 am
by iScape
any updates since 2020 re working method to get Chromecast across VLANs? Do I still have to get external device (RPI, etc) to get it working?

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:32 am
by tangent
any updates since 2020

Has mDNS changed since 2020? If not, then why would the recommended solution need to be changed?

I don't have this thread's particular problem (just related ones 😉) but what I see up-thread looks sensible to me.

Do I still have to get external device (RPI, etc) to get it working?

The recommended solution uses it as an end-around the VLAN level by having it join both networks in question. You might have your phone on the trusted network and your smart TV on the untrusted one, so you need something on both networks to bridge them. Since this should work all the time, you need an always-on device that is powerful enough to let you run arbitrary software on it. That doesn't have to be a Raspberry Pi, just something on that order. There are probably dozens of sensible alternatives:

  • a Mac Mini
  • an always-on Windows machine running WSL2
  • the same machine running Linux in a virtual machine
  • the more advanced sort of NAS that has add-on software packages (Synology, Drobo, TrueNAS...)

A Pi is a good choice simply because it's cheap, small, power-efficient, and runs a server-grade OS, so you can make it do what you need.

All of this being said, if you didn't have such a device and weren't willing to add one, you could set up PIM-SM. That's what it's for. It's complicated, but that's because it solves a complicated problem.

(Any one given use of multicast may be simple, but getting all of them working together as you wish can be quite complicated.)

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:47 am
by bpwl
With RouterOS 7.1rc3 .... would a docker image be usable?

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:24 am
by tangent
With RouterOS 7.1rc3 .... would a docker image be usable?

In principle, yes. From a skim of the relevant docs, it looks like you just need to assign the container's "veth" devices to the proper VLANs to let it see both sides. At that point, it's the same as having a Pi attached to both, so the rest of the tutorial above should then work.

Let us know how it goes. :)

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:56 pm
by PackElend
With RouterOS 7.1rc3 .... would a docker image be usable?
In principle, yes. From a skim of the relevant docs, it looks like you just need to assign the container's "veth" devices to the proper VLANs to let it see both sides. At that point, it's the same as having a Pi attached to both, so the rest of the tutorial above should then work.
Let us know how it goes. :)
seems there is progress what may simplifies the usage of Docker
We will re-release container package soon. We wanted to improve security of the package, and make sure it does not have access to things it should not access. We will sandbox it more, re-evaluate all security aspects and will release it soon, when it is ready and completely secure.
said in v7.1rc3 adds Docker (TM) compatible container support

by the way are you aware of mDNS repeater feature wherein the same thing is discussed?

Re: Setting up Avahi Reflector in Mikrotik

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:22 am
by archerious
Finally solved this!

So from Mikrotik perspective, everything was set up properly. You might need IGMP proxy for some devices, but no need for PIM (some suggested that IGMP is not enough, even though every guide says it uses IGMP), just a simple IGMP-Proxy setup will do.

I have switched from avahi to this mdns reflector:

I don't know what was the problem with avahi, because it kinda worked, Google Chromecast devices and Apple related stuffs as I said earlier worked correctly, but some services won't. That's why I never thought that the mDNS reflector is not working correctly, because some things worked anyways and also browsing mDNS traffic, everything reported correctly.
However switching mdns reflector, everything started to work immediately. Also discovery is faster now in every service.
There is a newer avahi-daemon version (8.0) but I did not have time to build it (not available through apt yet), it might solve these issues (but I don't know why this happens).

Anyway thanks for everyone trying to help! It would be great if Mikrotik could implement its own mDNS reflector. Then this might worked for first try and you don't need to mess around 3rd party services and devices.
Worked like a charm. Ended up needing to do a
sudo apt-get install --reinstall build-essential
to get it to make, but once I did that lastly ran ./mdns-repeater br0 br0.20

After that I immediately was able to use airplay across VLANs.