while shutting down all the WiFi interfaces and bringing them back up, say 10 seconds of outage for the end user.
This is the ONLY management platform I know of that doesn't have the option to disable connection monitoring etc so the APs can stay online when the controller is down.
Well not entirely my experience, even with high end professional systems.
It depends what the role of the wlan controller is. Pure management? Mostly not. It is involved in the operation itself, either all data passing through it, or just the control over that data and AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) of the network.
Therefore the WLAN controller was always double , at least. Either active-passive for the simpeler systems , or active-active for the more advanced. (EG. Fortigate cluster versus FortiAP access points).
And the pendulum central-decentral keeps swinging ....
https://www.spacewalkers.com/why-distri ... ht-option/