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Unable to remove falsely discovered service - The Dude Beta

Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:14 pm

Hey there dude fans,

Just noticed something, I am unable to remove a service from a device after a false discovery. I have created a few services to monitor svn, remote desktop, etc...and for some reason, the dude falsely picks up on services that don't exist on some of my servers...usually not a big deal I just remove the service manually after the discovery but I just tried this after installing beta 6 and I can't seem to remove any services from that item. I love the new lock feature, so I tried unlocking and then trying to remove thinking it preserved more than just the dice. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance... :)
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Joined: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:32 am

Re: Unable to remove falsely discovered service - The Dude Beta

Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:16 pm

ok, weird, I just went back after posting and now the service in question is gone and it discovered a HP jetdirect and mikrotik routeros on my front end webserver and I was able to remove those. I am declaring shenanigans!

/Me fail the Dude? That is unpossible.