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Issues and questions about forum

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:06 am
by giastopt
I'm having issues using this forum, for these reasons:

1) I can't find a forum-related section.
I'm writing here because I've seen other users writing here for things like private messages issues, but I hardly find them categorisable as "Useful user articles".
2) I can't find a guide about forum platform.
3) I can't find a guide about forum guidelines.
There's "Getting the most out of this forum" pinned under "RouterBOARD hardware" section, while it would be appliable/helpful to other sections as well.
4) I can't find a way to contact users.
5) I can't find a topic I created under "RouterBOARD hardware".
It got approved and then disappeared. I know it wasn't like other topics and was just asking for info, but still I somewhat tried to follow guidelines in viewforum.php?f=3
· self describing title
· short initial sentence describing what I need
· explained my attempts to find answers on my own before leeching
· an example of a result found plus why it's confusing me
· a more detailed description of what I was hoping to find in order to answer my question by myself, without leeching

I'm saving this text in case it will disappear as well.

Re: Issues and questions about forum

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:23 am
by floaty
first post ? ... really ?!
I like your style man ! .... somewhat consequently from the start ... keep on rockin!

Re: Issues and questions about forum

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:52 am
by krafg
Is truth that is necessary an apart section to see forum specific topics. Some things as rules, guides, questions, etc.

To cantact users you can use PM's (Private message), if you enter to profile of the user that you want, there is a section to sent PM.
If you want to search a specific user profile, you can use search option up side.
If you want to search your own posts, you can see it on your profile. If it not appears, for some reason not exists any more.



Re: Issues and questions about forum

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:50 am
by floaty
I'm saving this text in case it will disappear as well.
you're safe here :!:
you should consider such a task if you're wandering an ubnt-forum .... because it happened to me there ( for minor boldness : )

Re: Issues and questions about forum

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:41 am
by giastopt
Is truth that is necessary an apart section to see forum specific topics. Some things as rules, guides, questions, etc.

To cantact users you can use PM's (Private message), if you enter to profile of the user that you want, there is a section to sent PM.
If you want to search a specific user profile, you can use search option up side.
If you want to search your own posts, you can see it on your profile. If it not appears, for some reason not exists any more.


That button was disabled, probably I wasn't approved yet?

I do not understand why this thread has been opened under "RouterBOARD hardware" while I'm pretty sure I opened it under "Useful user articles". I can't affirm 100% sure, but 95% heck yes.