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Help to modify script

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:11 am
by anassar26
Please help to modify this script bleow to pik value of MB frome hotspot user comments and put value to downquotamb

Orginal script :

#Download limit in MB
:local downquotamb "50"

### Do not modify anything below this line ###
:local downquota [$downquotamb * 1000]
:local counter
:local datadown
:local username
:local macaddress
:foreach counter in=[/ip hotspot active find ] do={
:set datadown [/ip hotspot active get $counter bytes-out]
:if ($datadown>$downquota) do={
:set username [/ip hotspot active get $counter user]
:set macaddress [/ip hotspot active get $counter mac-address]
/ip hotspot user remove [/ip hotspot user find where name=$username]
/ip hotspot user add name=$username limit-bytes-out=$downquota mac-address=$macaddress
/ip hotspot active remove $counter
:log info "Logged out $username - Reached download quota"