Hi all, after more than 1 week testing almost every option in WiFi for public clients(Hotel-Restaurant), decided to request help here !
The ISP is giving me 40Mbps/40Mbps bandwidth, connected through Mikrotik RB3011UiAS at ether1 via pppoe-client.
ether2-ether5 are added to bridge (dhcp server)-(protocol-mode=none, proxy-arp) also tried other options.
Testing the internet speed connected through PC or other basic (linksys, zte etc.) to those port seems very fine without any issue !
But i have extremely bad wifi when using mikrotik ap (RB911G and RB Metal 2HSPN).
Tried to connect those devices directly in Bridge Mode, tried with Capsman config, tried as Router, tried all WiFi options, tried to only 20Mghz, tried band only-n tried protection mode, ht, chains etc.... everything !!!
I am not able to solve this issue, tried spectral scan and every other recommendations in other forums but nothing can solve that issue !
Playing with tx-power, antenna gain, ht-msc and evrything that exist in Mikrotik.
Tried non overlaping channels, tried local-forward, tried only-g mode, b/g mode b/g/n mode only n mode.
Basic WiFi routers (10$) gives me 40Mbps/40Mbps even with much connected clients, in other hand Mikrotik devices (Professional, mentioned above) gives me no more than 10Mbps and sometimes cannot even connect to them ...
No encryption uses (it is open WiFi with some ACL rules to not allow very far devices)
I am going crazy and don't know what to do more.
Anything you recommend ?
All routers are upgraded to 6.48beta12, also tried other firmares.
Sorry for my "not good" English.