I have a router that was stable until I added more traffic to it, ~10MB, and then added OSPF. It crashes every 4 days. I dropped back to 2.9.40. It crashed within 18 hours. I am back to 2.9.43 as of 15 hours ago but have disabled OSPF and am using static routes.
The router either quits updating ospf routes, cannot see interfaces or becomes unreachable.
On reboot, memory usage starts at about 20 mb and climbs to 31 mbs. CPU loading is about 40% peak. Total memory is 386Mb with plenty of hard disk space
The hardware is a 900mhz Dell with two 4 port boards. I have similar routers running OSPF but not with this much load. Does anyone have clues as to trouble shooting. I have sent support.rif files to tech support with no response to date.
Is OSPF a likely suspect? The problem occurs with either routing or routing-test packages installed