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A Couple of Configuration Questions

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:30 pm
by ehbowen
I'm performing some upgrades on my home office network and installing a new NAS which will also serve as my email server, so it needs to be web-accessible. I have been manually assigning IP addresses to this kind of hardware in the past, but I'm also planning to implement a VLAN scheme in the near future and I'd rather not have to manually change all the IPs again.

I understand that it is/should be possible to "reserve" an IP address for a specific hardware/MAC ID so that the device can be left in "auto/DHCP" mode but DHCP will assign it the same IP address every time. What is the proper/best way to do this?

Secondly, I currently have IPv6 disabled. I'd like to enable it in future but I still don't know enough about it, especially vulnerabilities, to be comfortable. I understand that much of its security relies on the sheer number of possible IP addresses, which makes port scanning a losing proposition. Again, though, some of my hardware will be web-accessible and will have IP addresses published, especially the NAS machines. What can I do to harden them? Pointers to reference and educational material are welcome.

Re: A Couple of Configuration Questions

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:40 pm
by nickshore
For static dhcp leases, you can go into IP -> DHCP Server -> Leases and select an assigned lease and click Make static.

Once you have done that you can even change the IP, eg if you want all static to be in a certain range.

You can also use the address list feature on a lease to add this IP into an address list automatically which can be useful when building firewall rules.

For IPv6 you should ensure that you have a good forward chain setup which only allows outbound connections, and established and related packets. There should be a default drop rule at the bottom of the chain.
If you need to allow inbound connections you can then add rules for those.

Hope that helps

Re: A Couple of Configuration Questions

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:38 pm
by anav
For VLANS this is an excellent reference.