there is a "disconnected <unkown cipher alg or key size>" error when I try to connect ovpn server with android client.
it looks like this topic but not same viewtopic.php?t=21087
any idea how to fix it?
btw, is "unkown" means "unknown"?
I believe it's mikrotik's ssl problemIt's probably possible that client uses something more modern by default, so check OpenVPN manual how to specify algorithms in client config, and add what RouterOS uses.
I just wished, I had found your post earlier... about four hours earlierI just was struggling around with the same issue, reading in this forum and didn't found any solution.
After reading the log of the OpenVPN-Android Client more carefully, I found a solution, that I tested working on newest RouterOS (7.6) and latest Android OpenVPN Client (0.7.43) and I want to share it with others that are looking for the same.