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Dual SSID's with bandwidth limiting based on the SSID

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:49 pm
by jasongt
I am trying to setup wireless for a travel park. There is a RB532A as the main AP and and 5 RB133's setup as WDS nodes. I have a cable modem with 10Mb down and 1Mb up. I have one SSID for the residents of the park and also another SSID for guests. I have setup 2 DHCP pools one for each SSID handing out diferent subnets. I am trying to make it so that residents have priority in the queues and share bandwidth equally. I want the people who login on the guest ssid to be capped to something like 100k down and 20k up. Even if no one else is using the bandwidth each connection to that ssid is capped. I have tried various things from the manual but never quite get it working 100%. I thought I remember at one time you could set caps with the dhcp server and that is why I have 2 different pools. Any help greatly appreciated.


Re: Dual SSID's with bandwidth limiting based on the SSID

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:12 am
by jasongt
I tried the simple queues and tried to specify an ip subnet but that seems to set a limit on the entire subnet. Such as if I set a limit of 128k down that is for the entire ip range two users would get 64k each. How can I set a limit of say 128k or whatever to each ip. So if I had 2 users they both could download at 128k?

What I did to get the results was created simple queue will call it Guest-Queue
Target Address
Target Upload and Download 128k
And tested with two machines and got 128k shared between each.

Thanks for the quick reply maybe I am missing a simple step.