Hi Guys,
On one Mikrotik router, I have two internet links, and I made a failover, and it works properly.
Because I need same the public IP address, there is an SSTP client on that Mikrotik. And on the other Mikrotik CCR is SSTP Server.
When one internet link breaks, SSTP is realized through another ISP. When the primary link is established, the SSSTP is realized through it.
The problem is that the server doesn't kill the old inactive SSTP connection and during that time there are two SSPT connections on the server.
The killing of the old SSTP connection on the CCR is after about 30 seconds, sometimes more than two minutes, can it be accelerated?
How can I kill an old SSTP connection after some 5 s of inactivity, or when a new SSTP connection with the same user / pass is attempted?
Thanks a lot,