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autoscan and auto deletion for devices in dude

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:38 pm
by abelardods
Is it possible to "auto delete", devices in Dude server?

I doing some tests with Auto scan feature of submas in dude server, this feature it can auto add devices to the map, my question is is there any way to auto delete devices? for exampple devices wich no longer can be reached by ping, etc


Re: autoscan and auto deletion for devices in dude

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:13 am
by 2frogs
I wouldn't think so since the whole purpose of The Dude is to monitor devices and their state. How would The Dude know the difference between a device that is down that is supposed to up? Or a device no longer connected to your network that no longer needs monitoring?