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nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:12 pm
by 8an
is there a minimum recommended distance for nRay 60G PtP links? We installed one at just 200m and it won't hold maximum TX rate at any frequency, even though RSSI is always around -50. At 58320 it won't even stay connected. 62640 seems best, but TX rate still rarely goes above 1540 and when it does, there's always 10-20% error rate. Could it be interference? Or faulty unit? But the strange thing is that the link acts the same in both directions, for example at the moment it's like this:
             connected: yes
             frequency: 60480
        remote-address: 08:55:31:29:7D:AA
                tx-mcs: 2
           tx-phy-rate: 770.0Mbps
                signal: 20
                  rssi: -49
             tx-sector: 62
        tx-sector-info: right 0.8 degrees, up 0.6 degrees
              distance: 208.72m
  tx-packet-error-rate: 10%

             connected: yes
             frequency: 60480
        remote-address: 08:55:31:2D:0F:5E
                tx-mcs: 2
           tx-phy-rate: 770.0Mbps
                signal: 20
                  rssi: -51
             tx-sector: 57
        tx-sector-info: left 0.2 degrees, up 0.6 degrees
              distance: 212.29m
  tx-packet-error-rate: 12%

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:04 pm
by velk1001
The units are not correctly aligned to each other, used the signal strength instead of the RSSI to align them.

When you get them aligned you might see TX-sector 31 which is the center.

good luck


Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:23 pm
by 8an
TX sectors are moving all over the place, if I force them to 31, RSSI is even better at -48, but the link performs worse:
             connected: yes
             frequency: 60480
        remote-address: 08:55:31:2D:0F:5E
                tx-mcs: 1
           tx-phy-rate: 385.0Mbps
                signal: 20
                  rssi: -48
             tx-sector: 31
        tx-sector-info: center
              distance: 208.75m
  tx-packet-error-rate: 73%

             connected: yes
             frequency: 60480
        remote-address: 08:55:31:29:7D:AA
                tx-mcs: 1
           tx-phy-rate: 385.0Mbps
                signal: 20
                  rssi: -48
             tx-sector: 31
        tx-sector-info: center
              distance: 208.7m
  tx-packet-error-rate: 29%

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 6:26 pm
by 8an
This is the best configuration I managed to find, frequency 62640 with fixed TX sector. Acceptable error rate, but still not at full speed:
             connected: yes
             frequency: 62640
        remote-address: 08:55:31:2D:0F:5E
                tx-mcs: 7
           tx-phy-rate: 1925.0Mbps
                signal: 60
                  rssi: -50
             tx-sector: 31
        tx-sector-info: center
              distance: 208.73m
  tx-packet-error-rate: 4%

             connected: yes
             frequency: 62640
        remote-address: 08:55:31:29:7D:AA
                tx-mcs: 6
           tx-phy-rate: 1540.0Mbps
                signal: 60
                  rssi: -50
             tx-sector: 31
        tx-sector-info: center
              distance: 208.75m
  tx-packet-error-rate: 0%

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:26 pm
by velk1001
Have you got total line of sight between the two dishes? (Trees between are a no no)

Taken your time adjusting the mount and make sure the pole you are using is totally vertical( i had this problem), if its not straight you'll loose signal.

Once you get the best signal try switching the auto beamforming back on

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:08 pm
by velk1001
Make sure you use some self amalgamation tape on the ethernet connector gland or it might let water in ( bad design)

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:02 pm
by 8an
Thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately nothing helped, we had to replace the nRAYs on both sides with LHG. Now the link is stable at maximum rate without packetloss. It was likely a faulty unit, although we don't now which one, both directions seemed roughly the same.

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:42 pm
by velk1001
How fast did they transfer the data ?

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:55 pm
by 8an
TX rate on nRAY fluctuated between 385 a 1540 Mbit, LHG is stable at 2310 Mbit.

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:59 pm
by velk1001
It might of just been the size of the dish being bigger that has helped with the signal?

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:03 am
by ubikrotik
same problem here. all lhg are runing perfectly, but nray even at short distance are junk.

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:34 am
by normis
It is possible that this is a warranty case, please contact the distributor for a replacement unit and test if that one is better.

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:57 pm
by modsx
Make sure you use some self amalgamation tape on the ethernet connector gland or it might let water in ( bad design)
Sounds like a sofa expert opinion. Have you looked at the design of this connection yourself? Everything is fine with him. I think someone did the wrong installation (the cable was placed so that water flowed through the antenna port, or the seal was not tightened), posted a picture on the forum and now everyone is going crazy.

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:02 am
by modsx
same problem here. all lhg are runing perfectly, but nray even at short distance are junk.
Thanks for the information (the fact that nRAY has problems with the quality of production, I have already concluded and shown in the pictures (without a detailed description). Even the fingerprints on the lens were visible there). I am currently waiting for some to arrive, preferably someone to share ideas on how effective it is to check if nRAY has problems and most importantly how to prove it to the distributor.

Re: nRAY 60G minimum distance

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:24 am
by velk1001
If you have a look at (third from bottem)

You see the damage water can do, i know this with years of putting antennas up!

If you look at the pictures supplied by Mikrotik the seal is not level with the outside of the plastic gland, this will allow water to sit and it will get in.