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Winbox "Could not create file"

Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:33 pm


At my work we use VDI, and the template of all VMs are optimized with VMware OS Optimization Tool (That alter dozens of registries, politics and settings), that being said, I know that is not a problem specific from Winbox.
I've read this topic: viewtopic.php?t=90445, And I can see some differences between my notebook and my virtual machine.

My MikroTik session folder is located at C:\Users\Andre\Appdata\Roaming\MikroTik\Winbox, and at my virtual machine it is at C:\Windows\AppData\MikroTik\Winbox.

At my VM, Looking at procmon, I can realize that I've got access denied when trying to open some files.

Has someone already stumbled at this problem? I'm trying to fix this in template so I can get ride of this problem In all VMs.

Copied all files from C:\Windows\Appdata\ to C:\Users\Andre\Appdata\Roaming\, changed permissions to everyone and sessionpath file, not helped.
Added permission to everyone to C:\Windows\Appdata\MikroTik and it worked, but how can I restore the original behavior that is to save at %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\mikrotik ?