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Winbox "Could not create file"

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:33 pm
by Yamash

At my work we use VDI, and the template of all VMs are optimized with VMware OS Optimization Tool (That alter dozens of registries, politics and settings), that being said, I know that is not a problem specific from Winbox.
I've read this topic: viewtopic.php?t=90445, And I can see some differences between my notebook and my virtual machine.

My MikroTik session folder is located at C:\Users\Andre\Appdata\Roaming\MikroTik\Winbox, and at my virtual machine it is at C:\Windows\AppData\MikroTik\Winbox.

At my VM, Looking at procmon, I can realize that I've got access denied when trying to open some files.

Has someone already stumbled at this problem? I'm trying to fix this in template so I can get ride of this problem In all VMs.

Copied all files from C:\Windows\Appdata\ to C:\Users\Andre\Appdata\Roaming\, changed permissions to everyone and sessionpath file, not helped.
Added permission to everyone to C:\Windows\Appdata\MikroTik and it worked, but how can I restore the original behavior that is to save at %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\mikrotik ?