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SMS Send Failed. Modem unsupported.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:43 pm
by Dmetrey

Maybe someone could point me out to the right direction. I have a hAP AC Lite and a E3372h-153 USB 4G modem. I want to send some simple SMS messeges by going to Tools - SMS - Send SMS, but all i get is an Error "Couldnt perform action - Modem unsupported!(6)" I have tried the same with a second USB modem i have which is E3351 but still the same error. Inspite the SMS not working, i am able to have a working internet connection via the USB modem.
So my question, is there maybe a list of supported USB LTE Modems that would be able to work as a SMS gateway?


Re: SMS Send Failed. Modem unsupported.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:21 pm
by gigi15
I have the same sistuazion.
I bought an hAP ac^2 with MikroTik RouterOS 6.49 and an Alcatel IK41VE1 LTE Cat4 USB Dongle. I always get an error ""Couldnt perform action - Modem unsupported!(6)"
Is the problem the USB Dongle?
Internet on LTE is OK.