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CCR2004, multiple issues!

Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:29 pm

I have a handful of these routers in operation. They randomly experience the reboot issue that has been discussed extensively in another thread. Seems there is no resolution for this yet. Just today however, I experienced another issue. After installing the S+RJ10, mikrotiks 10gb copper sfp module, we started experience port flapping on all of the ports. This continued until we pulled the sfp out of the board. I know it pulls considerably more power than other sfps but other than that I don't know why it would cause flapping on all ports.

What is the status of fixes for this board? Seems it has a fair share of issues. We've spent quite a bit on these and really don't want to have to replace and return but if we can't get some communication and a timeframe on when we can expect these issues to be resolved, then it doesn't leave us much option.
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Re: CCR2004, multiple issues!

Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:15 pm

This is just a guess, but I think the issues in the chipset supply chain is causing Tik lots of problems. While they should have been among the busiest companies in the world while corona kicked off, it seems like they sent people home and hunkered down. It seems like a general lack of communication (other than a nice Christmas message) and slower product role out means they've got some internal issues going on and they've decided silence is the best course of action. Just my hunch.

Like everyone else I've talked to, we've limped along with 1072/1036s that reboot and lock up with connection tracking or firewall rules when a single core gets overloaded. Obvious answer seems to get away from the small/tons of core processors and take advantage of the new higher end Arm chipsets.... but all we've heard are crickets.