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How to properly install custom HTML hotspot portal?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 1:27 am
by robertbreese
I am trying to put in a customized version of the hotspot portal. I am dragging in the public_HTML folder to Files under winbox. Then when I go to hotspot on winbox and change the html directory, it automatically adds /flash/public_html to the beginning. The old hotspot page also still loads up.

Maybe I should be creating the new HTML directory within The flash directory but there does not seem to be a way to drag a folder straight into the folder on winbox unless I'm doing something wrong. If I remove the current contents of flash/hotspot and put my HTML files inside it seems to just redownload all of the original hotspot files and ignore what I put in.

Re: How to properly install custom HTML hotspot portal?

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 2:16 am
by robertbreese
I fixed this by using FTP and putting the files directly in /flash/hotspot (replacing the existing hotspot files) - remember to enable FTP from your IP in IP > Services I believe it is