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v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:04 pm
by uldis
We have updated the regulatory driver and fixed one bug that is related to the countries that don't support the 5ghz band. If you had one of the below countries set in the wireless configuration before upgrade to v2.9.45 or higher (and used the 5ghz band), then after upgrade
the interface configuration will be reseted.
Below is the list of countries that don't support the 5ghz band:
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:03 am
by ekkas
I am in 'South Africa' and my 5GHz-turbo interfaces resetted itself. Normal 5GHz stayed fine. Changed it to 'no country' and it's ok again (after a bit of driving 2am in the morning ;-0 )
Is 5GHz-turbo supposed to be illegal in South Africa?
Thanks otherwise for a great update!!!
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:07 am
Wish It'd been in this list before I did the upgrade...

thank goodness for failover links!
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:07 am
by ste
Hi Mikrotik,
you missed to update channel settings for germany: ... any#p79621
Updated and found no 5GHz Turbo Mode again
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:06 am
by jorj
I have not yet upgr. to 2.9.45, only 2.9.43 or 44 on some rb, but do you say in Romania I can't use 5 ghz at all ?
Or if i use it, what are the restriction imposed by the mt config ?
I have some links with 5 turbo, with older versions. If i upgrade to 2.9.45 I only reset my config, or i can't use it at all ?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:19 pm
by jorj
Just upgraded to 2.9.45 on a single rb112.
NO 5 ghz in Romania.
Too sad. We are free to use:
- 5150 - 5250 200 mw max ( ECC DEC (04)08 - AND - SR EN 301 893 )
- 5250 - 5350 200 mw max ( ECC DEC (04)08 - AND - SR EN 301 893 )
- 5470 - 5725 1 WATT max ( ECC DEC (04)08 - AND - SR EN 301 893 )
This is actual response from radio communications authority here, as of 10 aug 2007. Decided to be so since 04 april 2006. It's not that new.
So, if you could be so kind to introduce these back, at least I would be very grateful.
Thank you.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:43 am
by ekkas
Same with South Africa, 5.8GHz is legal here, but not according to 2.45.
Not sure about exact frequency ranges but aparently 1w on all 5GHz & 100mw on all 2.4GHz
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:18 am
Yes - please check that it is at least:
Band: 5150-5350M
Type of Device: Hiperlan: indoor use only
Max Radiated Power: 200mW eirp
Relevant Standard: EN 300 836-1, EN 301 489-1,17
Additional requirements: CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)23, CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03
Band: 5470 - 5725M
Type of device: Hiperlan: indoor and outdoor use
Max Radiated Power: 1 W eirp
Relevant Standard: EN 300 836-1, EN 301 489-1, 17
Additional requirements: CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)23
Band: 5795 - 5875M
Type of device: Non-specific SRD
Max Radiated Power: 25mW eirp
Relevant Standard: EN 300 440, EN 301 489-1, 3
Additional requirements: CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03
As per the ZA regulator, doc #26193 24 March 2004
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:17 am
by boardman
So for anyone wanting to use those extra frequencies the only way is to buy and install MikroTik RouterOS Custom Frequency License, am I right?
Jorge Boardman
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:07 pm
by uldis
Yes - please check that it is at least:
Band: 5150-5350M
Type of Device: Hiperlan: indoor use only
Max Radiated Power: 200mW eirp
Relevant Standard: EN 300 836-1, EN 301 489-1,17
Additional requirements: CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)23, CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03
Band: 5470 - 5725M
Type of device: Hiperlan: indoor and outdoor use
Max Radiated Power: 1 W eirp
Relevant Standard: EN 300 836-1, EN 301 489-1, 17
Additional requirements: CEPT/ERC/DEC (99)23
Band: 5795 - 5875M
Type of device: Non-specific SRD
Max Radiated Power: 25mW eirp
Relevant Standard: EN 300 440, EN 301 489-1, 3
Additional requirements: CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03
As per the ZA regulator, doc #26193 24 March 2004
Do you also have a list for availabe frequencies for those bands and aslo the channel width (20mhz,40mhz,10mhz,5mhz)?
We need this to update the frequencies list for SA county.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:26 am
by airstream
So for anyone wanting to use those extra frequencies the only way is to buy and install MikroTik RouterOS Custom Frequency License, am I right?
Jorge Boardman
Yeah I'd like to know this, here in NZ you can use the whole 2350-2500Mhz and up to 4w EIRP from your antenna. Can we get an extra channel licence?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:30 pm
by normis
Why are MT disabling channels and modes without even checking what the regs are for the particular country? , surely that is the quickest way to say to customers "please go away" when their networks fall over after a firmware upgrade.
2.9.45 broke an ap-bridge/WDS link where routing went all wierd, took us two days to resolve and left a bad taste in the customers mouth..
please be more thorough when releasing firmware updates by checking the modes and also check regulations before putting on your policeman hat.
we are not disabling anything. we use ETSI regulations, please look that up and ask them
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:37 am
Do you also have a list for availabe frequencies for those bands and aslo the channel width (20mhz,40mhz,10mhz,5mhz)?
We need this to update the frequencies list for SA county.
From the same document quoted earlier - Hope this helps...
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:12 pm
by uldis
the UK has had Band C for a long time now, on the channels starting at 5.735 , the proof of this has been around for some time and yet MT still won't let us in the UK use Band C?!? despite all other vendors having it enabled since it was ratified.
Band B has a lower ERP limit so we have to cripple our networks by 6dB or use FCC Band C channels and risk a slap on the wrist.
I note no mention of these being added in 2.9.46 that has just been released which is unfortunate.
All other vendors we have dealt with have the option for Turbo mode which we use for PtP links and consequently cannot as yet use MT for new PtP links when the extra throughput is required.
I can talk to the UK regulatory people if you like and ask them to confirm Band C / Turbo if it will get it in any faster.
Although many have sent links to the official docs already.
thanks and in hope
Bill Lewis
Kijoma Broadband
For UK 5.8Ghz fixed band, we created a seperate country called "uk 5.8 fixed". This is only in v3.0
For the rest countries that uses 5,4Ghz (Germany,UK,Italy,etc) we will add a 5ghz-turbo band option in next release in v3.0.
About that problem with reseting wireless interface - when you upgrade to v2.9.46 you will not have this problem. But when you will upgrade to v3.0 and your country will not support those frequencies, your wireless interface configuration will be reseted.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:45 pm
by uldis
GWISA, I haven't found any info in those documents about 5ghz-turbo band suport in South Africa.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:59 am
by uldis
yes, correct.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:13 am
by jorj
Why are MT disabling channels and modes without even checking what the regs are for the particular country? , surely that is the quickest way to say to customers "please go away" when their networks fall over after a firmware upgrade.
2.9.45 broke an ap-bridge/WDS link where routing went all wierd, took us two days to resolve and left a bad taste in the customers mouth..
please be more thorough when releasing firmware updates by checking the modes and also check regulations before putting on your policeman hat.
we are not disabling anything. we use ETSI regulations, please look that up and ask them
Well, please DO look into ETSI regulations before changing. 2.9.43 and did well, and it was etsi compliant here in Romania. Why should you have changed something that will be available as a full compliant in concordance with specific country rules, like Germany and UK only in 3.0 ? Why was it changed in 2.9.45, anyway ?
Here, i put a little earlier all chanels in wich in Ro we can work. Also, we can put TURBO on ANY approved frequency, as there is NO LIMIT in channel bandwidth used, only in power.
This has been said more than once.
I am a big fan, and i have a lot of mt equipment. But i cannot use 3.0 on rb1xxx series, at least not until now, cause it's getting my cpu to 100%, stable 100% ! without ANY traffic passing trough any of the 4 cards i tried. Then, for few hours struggled to downgrade to have a working system.
So, if you could please not broke anything BEFORE having an alternative...........
Just a thought.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:07 pm
by GWISA-Kroonstad
GWISA, I haven't found any info in those documents about 5ghz-turbo band suport in South Africa.
Hi Uldis.
The regulation does not set limits for spectrum usage. Have communicated with ICASA on this. None of the ISM bands are limited by spectrum size, and the list is quite long and not limited to 2.4 and 5.8 GHz. Will send you the email address of the head of the frequency department in ICASA, but you will need luck and some prayers to get an answer.
By the way, with Frequency license upgrades, will we still be able to get all the frequencies regardless of country?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:15 pm
Yes - in point (4) of the regulation I posted, it states
"...(10mW) per Mhz EIRP for other modulation types"
No channel width restriction is mentioned or defined anywhere.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:23 pm
by GWISA-Kroonstad
Wonder what the RTTT stands for?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:32 pm
Road Traffic and Transport Telematics
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:11 pm
by jorj
What's new in 3.0rc4:
*) updated 5ghz regulatory information for Romania, South Africa and Ireland;
Thank you very much.

Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:58 pm
by uldis
the ERP limit is 4 Watts too, not 1 Watt as in band B!
If you have used the v3.0 with that new country then you would see that it is more than 1W:
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:48 am
by BrianHiggins
If you have used the v3.0 with that new country then you would see that it is more than 1W:
I think the bigger question is why are these changes not getting put into 2.9.47? I have a few 3.0rc4 test cells with a few customers per sector up and running, but it has a way to go before I feel comfortable upgrading my existing 2.9 customer base.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:57 am
by uldis
in v2.9.47, there will be a new wireless package that you can manually set to use that has these changes. The old one will be default until these changes are better tested, we can't change the wireless package so much when it is in the stable release.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:18 pm
by El-Emin
Did u add Bosnia and Herzegovina in that new package ?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:49 pm
by uldis
Did u add Bosnia and Herzegovina in that new package ?
no. Why can't you use other country that matches your regulatory domain specification?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:33 pm
by BrianHiggins
we can't change the wireless package so much when it is in the stable release.
good enough reason, I don't think anyone should complain about that! Do you know when will the new package be available?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:51 am
by VirtuallyThere
Are power output levels also determined by country selection?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:01 pm
by uldis
Are power output levels also determined by country selection?
if you use frequency-mode=regulatory-domain then yes.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:11 pm
by VirtuallyThere
I have looked all over ETSI and even used used its search function looking for the table quoted above.
Does anyone have a URL for the ETSI list?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:51 pm
by jorj
I come back again.
How can i convice you MT stuff that here in Romania we are free to use TURBO in any of the allowed frequencies ?
- 5150 - 5250 200 mw max ( ECC DEC (04)08 - AND - SR EN 301 893 )
- 5250 - 5350 200 mw max ( ECC DEC (04)08 - AND - SR EN 301 893 )
- 5470 - 5725 1 WATT max ( ECC DEC (04)08 - AND - SR EN 301 893 )
If i give you the url to the official site of the radio frequency regulator here, will this suffice ?
I wrote this once, in this exact topic. I wrote myself, and talked on the phone with officials - there is no limit but in the max EIRP, and in no way in the width of the used chanel. It can be 3 or 7 or 12 or 20 or 40 or 50 mhz. Whatever the user chooses. It is so exactly so that there is no new standard every few months or every year. Max EIRP is the limit.
Should i write to support, so that you can help me with this ? I do want to stay legal.
Also. If for Romania, this is not so well fitted, or the rules are not known, do add a
ETSI entry in the country list, as any contry, and set the regulatory limits for each country correctly.
I am willing to do what it takes to help MT staff figure out what are the legal regulations here. Uldis, Normis, anybody ?
As for VirtuallyThere, the best way to find out, is to ask directly the authorities in your contry, and also send this regulations to MT, if they do not coincide with what you find.
Best rgds.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:45 am
by El-Emin
Did u add Bosnia and Herzegovina in that new package ?
no. Why can't you use other country that matches your regulatory domain specification?
I can but why dont u put Bosnia in coutry settings ?????
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:34 pm
by acim
Yes, as legal users of your software we also have right to have our own country settings. Please include Serbia in your next 2.9 and 3.0 releases, you have lot of users here.
These days Serbian RATEL (Republic Agency for Telecommunications) became
full member of ETSI, so there is no reason not to include Serbia.
You can find rules
here, unfortunatelly just in Serbian, but you can consult Netiks, your representative in Serbia about translation or simply send enquire to RATEL
In short:
802.11b/g 2400-2483.5 MHz, 100mW EIRP (ETSI EN 300 328)
802.11/a 5470-5725 MHz, 1W EIRP, 20MHz channel width (ETSI EN 301 893)
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:05 pm
by ayme
Hi Uldis
i want to purchase 2.4Ghz Client Package with Integrated 18 dBi Antenna - RB/2018 From Uk.
Can i use in Pakistan.
thanks for your support

Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:39 am
by uldis
Most likely yes. But you can ask your distributor.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:11 pm
by ayme
Hi Uldis
thanks for your kind reply
I checked here in pakistan both 5ghz and 2.4 ghz networking is working there
but you write that in pakistan 5ghz not support
i want to purchase
5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna - RB133C + 22dBi Antenna - RIC/522C
From Uk my friend will send me through DHL.
Is this Work For Me in Pakistan
Please Inform me.
is the MikroTik will Support.?
Your Answer will give me the way.
thanks and regards
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:28 pm
by ayme
We have updated the regulatory driver and fixed one bug that is related to the countries that don't support the 5ghz band. If you had one of the below countries set in the wireless configuration before upgrade to v2.9.45 or higher (and used the 5ghz band), then after upgrade
the interface configuration will be reseted.
Below is the list of countries that don't support the 5ghz band:
hi uldis
what you mean that 5ghz is not supported that country.
is that not work in pakistan or mikrotik not support
if i purchase this product
5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna - RB133C + 22dBi Antenna - RIC/522C
it will not work in pakistan
please reply
and also
how far the 2.4Ghz signal will travel.?
is this ok for 15KM.(10miles).?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:31 pm
by uldis
it means that we don't have any information about Pakistans 5ghz band support. You should provide us with the documents which contains info on 5ghz band usage and limitations in your country.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:07 pm
by Alex
or you can set frequency mode=superchannel and country=no_country_set in wireless config and you will be able to use any supported frequency.Your license must be with extra-channel option.And dont forget add selected freq to scanlist option.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:11 pm
by ayme
thanks for every one to reply
it's mean that we can use MikroTik 5ghz in pakistan.?
there are many smartbridges 5.xghz is working.and i also check here with local network provider and they informed that 5.xghz is
license-free frequency band in pakistan.
i have found some url to share with you. ... ient=opera ... ient=opera
thanks for your support.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:19 pm
by ayme
or you can set frequency mode=superchannel and country=no_country_set in wireless config and you will be able to use any supported frequency.Your license must be with extra-channel option.And dont forget add selected freq to scanlist option.
can you please inform me that if i purchase this product ,this product has the facility which u describes above.
so i can buy this product.
5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna - RB333 + 22dBi Antenna - RIC/522T
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:27 am
by normis
or you can set frequency mode=superchannel and country=no_country_set in wireless config and you will be able to use any supported frequency.Your license must be with extra-channel option.And dont forget add selected freq to scanlist option.
can you please inform me that if i purchase this product ,this product has the facility which u describes above.
so i can buy this product.
5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna - RB333 + 22dBi Antenna - RIC/522T
yes! after you purchase this product you will have to pay 10$ additionally to get the mentioned SUPERCHANNEL feature
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:12 am
by provoshane
Not looking for moral or legal commentary here, just explanations:
If you leave the setting for country at no_country_set, does it default to the highest power setting? If not, what actually occurs, performance wise?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:01 am
by uldis
it depends what frequency-mode you are using, if you are using manultxpower, then the wireless card will use the default power what is written in the eeprom.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:22 am
by hakware2000
This is getting way too complicated even for MT to figure out what frequency goes where and what band overlaps with who.
MT should save themselves a lot of hassle and leave all channels open. it would be then up to the person installing it to make sure their equipment was running within the regulations of their region. Its not MT's responsibility to be the RF police for every idiot that does not know their regulations.
That being said where do we get the extra-channels license on my router board?
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:59 am
by ste
This is getting way too complicated even for MT to figure out what frequency goes where and what band overlaps with who.
MT should save themselves a lot of hassle and leave all channels open. it would be then up to the person installing it to make sure their equipment was running within the regulations of their region. Its not MT's responsibility to be the RF police for every idiot that does not know their regulations.
That being said where do we get the extra-channels license on my router board?
Life is not so simple. Our regulations are to complex to handle
without mt´s help. Different frequencies in same band with different
max power and dfs+tpc, different tpc-ranges.
Regulations are done by people who need not care on
getting things slmple and running.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:13 pm
by stephenpatrick
One of the problems is that currently MT are tieing software version numbers to regulatory domain settings.
An upgrade/downgrade of software affects what RF settings are supported!
I think quite strongly that there should be a separate "regulatory domain" file, which could be FTP'd onto radios only by an administrator (or distributor), so changes in regulation (or correction of any errors in the list) in various countries don't have to affect the software version used.
Just my £0.01
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:37 pm
by m4rk0
Hello please can You add country:
Bosnia and Herzegovina (2.4GHz and 5GHz)
2400,000 – 2450,000 MHz (Regulatory -
5650,000 – 5725,000 MHz; 5725,000 – 5830,000 ; 5830,000 – 5850,000 (Regulatory -
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:51 pm
by NetworkPro
Which country setting will give all of the available channels? Which country allows all frequencies of all other countries? If there is no such, which two countries together cover all frequencies available?
p.s. sorry for not starting a new topic. I must've been tired or something.
Re: v2.9.45 5ghz band with country setting
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:25 pm
by jwcn
Geeze, is it that hard to start a new topic. Resurrecting year old topics is just poor taste.