Cannot upload file via SFTP
Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 10:06 am
I'm trying to upload file via SFTP. While using WinSCP everything works great. I've used this command:
And I've got error:
Have you got any idea what can I do? With FTP everything just works.
As a server I'm using Synology NAS.
I'm trying to upload file via SFTP. While using WinSCP everything works great. I've used this command:
Code: Select all
/tool fetch url="sftp://nas/MikroTik-20210522-0903.backup" src-path="flash/MikroTik-20210522-0903.backup" user="xyz" password="xyz" dst-path="MikroTik-20210522-0903.backup" upload=yes
Code: Select all
no such item (4) action timed out - try again, if error continues contact support and send a supout file (13)
As a server I'm using Synology NAS.