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Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:05 pm
by faux

Today I had a slow day so made a script which fetches all the current days Open Threat Exchange (OTX) Indicators of Compromise (IoC) IPv4 addresses and adds them to a firewall address-list (if they don't already exist). This way you can automatically block the naughty IPv4 addresses where malware and exfiltration has been found by others.. I'd call it a free IPS for IPv4 ::)

The addresses are added as AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses so use that in firewall rules.

  1. You need to get yourself an AV OTX API key from here: AlienVault OpenThreatExchange (it's free)
  1. Open my "syncOTXIndicators_v3" script in a text editor, change the "PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" to your actual API Key
  2. Install my "syncOTXIndicators_v3" script which you edited (/import syncOTXIndicators_v3)
  3. Set up a scheduled task to run the script once per day (at 23:55 UTC for example, IoC's resets at 0:00 UTC)
    NOTE! If you run it early in day (UTC time) there may not be any, or any all day! Uncomment line 12 to set custom start date
  4. Add two raw firewall rules to drop & log all src and dst traffic using the "AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses" address-list
# Fetch IP indicators on OTX from past day to update local blacklist address-list
:local today [/system clock get date];
:local montonum {"jan"="01";"feb"="02";"mar"="03";"apr"="04";"may"="05";"jun"="06";"jul"="07";"aug"="08";"sep"="09";"oct"="10";"nov"="11";"dec"="12"};
:local otxDate ([:tostr [:pick $today 7 11]]."-".(:$montonum->[:pick $today 0 3])."-".[:tostr [:pick $today 4 6]]."T00:00:00+00:00");
# Uncomment below to set custom start date
#:set otxDate "2021-05-09T00:00:00+00:00"
# Ask OTX for all IP indicators
:local otxUrl ("".$otxDate);
:log info "AVOTX: Syncing OTX indicators from date $otxDate";
:local otxResponce [:tostr [/tool fetch url=$otxUrl http-header-field=$otxApiKey mode=https output=user as-value]];
# Loop for addresses in OTX responce JSON
:local start ([:find $otxResponce "indicator\": "]+13);
:local end ([:find $otxResponce "\"type"]-3);
:local caughtIp [:pick $otxResponce $start $end];
/ip firewall address-list
:while ($end >0) do={
	:if ([:len [find where address=$caughtIp and list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses"]] = 0) do={
		add address=$caughtIp list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses";
		:log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist";
	} else={ :log info "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist" }
	:set start ([:find $otxResponce "indicator\": " $start]+13);
	:set end ([:find $otxResponce "\"type\":" ($end+3)]-3);
	:set caughtIp [:pick $otxResponce $start $end];
:log info "AVOTX: Sync completed";
  • The script is CPU intensive, it will max out a single core to 100% until it finishes, this will harm performance on single core or already high load routers for a few minutes.
  • The OTX lists refresh once per day, so use this late at night (UTC time!!) to get the full days list.
  • Over time the IPs will be ceased and possibly be returned to good-guy addresses, after a while if you start getting false-positives this may be why, investigate each log!
  • If you want to run the script with a custom start date, for example, 1 month behind to catch up; uncomment line 11 with your own UTC datetime. I'd run this script once with this line saying 1 month behind, then comment it out again.. it will take a while to parse.
  • Yes you could use the russian MT JSON parser instead but I didn't want that on production units.

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:53 pm
by MaszTo
I think I followed the instructions, but the script doesn't add addresses to the Address Lists.
There is no execution in the log:
:log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist";
:log info "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist"};

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:42 am
by rextended
		:do {
			/ip firewall address-list add list=AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses address=$caughtIp;
			:log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist";
		} on-error={ :log info "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist"};
I really do not like this method of coding.

I better prefer to not fill log and do more clean code like the following example, where errors are prevented than wait for errors:
/ip firewall address-list
:if ([:typeof $caughtIp] ~ "ip") do={
    :if ([:len [find where address=$caughtIp and list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses"]] = 0) do={
        add address=$caughtIp list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses"

if logging are required for debug:
/ip firewall address-list
:if ([:typeof $caughtIp] ~ "ip") do={
    :if ([:len [find where address=$caughtIp and list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses"]] = 0) do={
        add address=$caughtIp list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses"
        :log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist"
    } else={ :log notice "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist" }

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:57 am
by rextended
I think I followed the instructions, but the script doesn't add addresses to the Address Lists.
There is no execution in the log:
:log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist";
:log info "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist"};
probably because forget to remove \ in front of ? (\?) because on terminal must be used \? but on script must be only ?

for example: export?types= must go on script, but for test on terminal must be export\?types=

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:44 am
by MaszTo
I think I followed the instructions, but the script doesn't add addresses to the Address Lists.
There is no execution in the log:
:log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist";
:log info "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist"};
probably because forget to remove \ in front of ? (\?) because on terminal must be used \? but on script must be only ?

for example: export?types= must go on script, but for test on terminal must be export\?types=
I know the character ? in the terminal window calls for help.
In editing script window (WinBox) I have ? in path ... ".$otxDate

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:09 am
by MaszTo
You must add the \ before the ? to the path in the editor.
The script works - it's great because it is not limited to downloading entire lists, which cannot exceed 64k!

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:45 pm
by rextended
You must add the \ before the ? to the path in the editor.
The script works - it's great because it is not limited to downloading entire lists, which cannot exceed 64k!
please, you can share one .json file downloaded for see internal structure?

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:28 pm
by xsqrt
can anyone make some video to you use this script ? pls help

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:52 pm
by faux
I really do not like this method of coding.

I better prefer to not fill log and do more clean code like the following example, where errors are prevented than wait for errors:
Hi, thank you very much for you suggestion! You have a cleaner method I agree. I will update my script and upload a newer version when I get home today.

please, you can share one .json file downloaded for see internal structure?

Here is an example of the JSON responce from the API. The IPs are fake examples.

    "results": [
            "id": 3078914552,
            "indicator": "",
            "type": "IPv4",
            "title": "RedLine",
            "description": null,
            "content": ""
            "id": 3081790165,
            "indicator": "",
            "type": "IPv4",
            "title": null,
            "description": null,
            "content": ""
    "count": 2,
    "previous": null,
    "next": null

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:14 pm
by rextended

[:typeof $caughtIp] ~ "ip"
if you do not already have noticed the ~ instead of = is because the accepted value on address list can be ip ( or ip-prefix (
no other RouterOS variable type contain "ip" (except v6)

ad search only "ip" is right, alternate, but right, ~ "^(ip|ip-prefix)$" is excessive, if for some reason IPv6 go on list, the regexp for parse IPv4 block it without errors.

I do not know if the returned .json contain or not prefix like

but if are contained inside, the script must be careful to not write only cutting off /24

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:25 pm
by faux
[:typeof $caughtIp] ~ "ip"

but if are contained inside, the script must be careful to not write only cutting off /24

Hmmmm I will email OTX help and ask if there is ever a style address and subnet, becuase if there never is we can cut out a few lines of code! The regex should then only find style addresses and code like this will work nicely?

Edit: They will only ever be normal single IP addresses, never a CIDR range.

:if ($startPos < $endPos) do={
	/ip firewall address-list
	:while ([:len [:pick $arrResults 0]] >0) do={
		:local caughtIp [:toip [:pick $arrResults 0]];
		:if ([:len [find where address=$caughtIp and list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses"]] =0) do={
			add list=AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses address=$caughtIp;
			:log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist";
		} else={ :log info "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist"};
		:set startPos [:pick $arrResults 2];
		:set arrResults [$findPosix $otxResponce $regex $startPos];
I appriciate your help and knowledge ::)

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:50 am
by rextended

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:20 am
by MaszTo
The last modification made by Faux works, but the last Rextended suggestion causes a loop if the address already exists (in my excample: AVOTX: alredy in blacklist).

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:04 am
by rextended
The last modification made by Faux works, but the last Rextended suggestion causes a loop if the address already exists (in my excample: AVOTX: alredy in blacklist).
yes, I see the problem

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:24 am
by faux
So i made a version which doesn't need Regex, and therefore doesn't need the extra script. Also.. its ~1.5x faster at parsing the results!

Needed it to make a DNS versions for urlhaus/anomali/etc.
# Fetch IP indicators on OTX from past day to update local blacklist address-list
# v3
:local today [/system clock get date];
:local montonum {"jan"="01";"feb"="02";"mar"="03";"apr"="04";"may"="05";"jun"="06";"jul"="07";"aug"="08";"sep"="09";"oct"="10";"nov"="11";"dec"="12"};
:local otxDate ([:tostr [:pick $today 7 11]]."-".(:$montonum->[:pick $today 0 3])."-".[:tostr [:pick $today 4 6]]."T00:00:00+00:00");
# Uncomment below to set custom start date
#:set otxDate "2021-05-09T00:00:00+00:00"
# Ask OTX for all IP indicators
:local otxUrl ("".$otxDate);
:log info "AVOTX: Syncing OTX indicators from date $otxDate";
:local otxResponce [:tostr [/tool fetch url=$otxUrl http-header-field=$otxApiKey mode=https output=user as-value]];
# Loop for addresses in OTX responce JSON
:local start ([:find $otxResponce "indicator\": "]+13);
:local end ([:find $otxResponce "\"type"]-3);
:local caughtIp [:pick $otxResponce $start $end];
/ip firewall address-list
:while ($end >0) do={
	:if ([:len [find where address=$caughtIp and list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses"]] = 0) do={
		add address=$caughtIp list="AVOTX_IndicatorAddresses";
		:log info "AVOTX: Added $caughtIp to blacklist";
	} else={ :log info "AVOTX: $caughtIp already in blacklist" }
	:set start ([:find $otxResponce "indicator\": " $start]+13);
	:set end ([:find $otxResponce "\"type\":" ($end+3)]-3);
	:set caughtIp [:pick $otxResponce $start $end];
:log info "AVOTX: Sync completed";
It parsed a weeks IP list in 67 seconds, down from 99 seconds before. (RB4011iGS+RM)
Will update original post if I don't find any issues with it!

Re: Fetch & update AV OTX IPv4 blacklist list for auto IoC IPS firewalling

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:15 pm
by rextended
if "type" = "IPv4" ...
else { skip and continue }