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Messenger only whit PPPoE

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:51 pm
by Luch
Hello, I have a problem whit Meessenger and i'm going crazy

I'am probing 2 MT one as gateway of the other and this giving access to my clients

Internet ------- MT Gateway------- MT Access ------- Client

If i use a fixed IP everithing works fine but the Messenger couldn't connect

I could connect Messenger but only if i dial via PPPoE

Anyone have this problem before o I'm doing something wrong ???

Thank you and excuse my english


Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:27 pm
by Luch
The problem was in the MTU of the interface

The MTU was in 1480 and I couln't connect the MSN Messenger but if I put it in 1500 the Messenger goes fine

Then I put the LAN interface in 1480 and the WAN in 1500

It's all rigth ??? or I have to set booth interfaces in 1480 ?????
