Code: Select all
# oct/20/2021 22:15:35 by RouterOS 6.48.5
RB1100AHx4 Dude Edition
/interface bridge
add admin-mac=00:00:00:00:00:01 auto-mac=no dhcp-snooping=yes name=OUT
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether2 ] name=LAN
set [ find default-name=ether1 ] name=WAN
set [ find default-name=ether3 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether4 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether5 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether6 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether7 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether8 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether9 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether10 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether11 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether12 ] disabled=yes
set [ find default-name=ether13 ] disabled=yes
/interface pppoe-client
add add-default-route=yes disabled=no interface=WAN name=4Mbps user=123456
/interface vlan
add interface=OUT name=AP-1 vlan-id=176
add interface=OUT name=AP-2 vlan-id=178
add interface=OUT name=AP-3 vlan-id=179
add interface=OUT name=AP-4 vlan-id=180
add interface=OUT name=AP-5 vlan-id=182
add interface=OUT name=AP-6 vlan-id=183
add interface=OUT name=AP-7 vlan-id=184
add interface=OUT name=AP-8 vlan-id=185
add interface=OUT name=AP-9 vlan-id=186
add interface=OUT name=AP-10 vlan-id=187
add interface=OUT name=APH2 vlan-id=203
/interface ethernet switch port
set 0 default-vlan-id=0
set 1 default-vlan-id=0
set 2 default-vlan-id=0
set 3 default-vlan-id=0
set 4 default-vlan-id=0
set 13 default-vlan-id=0
/interface list
add name=Out-List
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] supplicant-identity=MikroTik
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
add name=EXE regexp="\\x4d\\x5a(\\x90\\x03|\\x50\\x02)\\x04"
add name=ZIP regexp="pk\\x03\\x04\\x14"
add name=MP4 regexp="\\x18\\x66\\x74\\x79\\x70"
add name=RAR regexp="Rar\\x21\\x1a\\x07"
add name=youtube regexp="r[0-9]+---[a-z]+-+[a-z0-9-]+\\.googlevideo\\.com"
add name=AKfreedom regexp="^.+(|||||||fe\|||your-freedom||www.your-free\|"
/ip hotspot profile
set [ find default=yes ] html-directory=Yemen login-by=\
cookie,http-chap,http-pap,mac-cookie use-radius=yes
add hotspot-address= html-directory=Yemen login-by=\
http-chap,http-pap,mac-cookie name=Hotspot
/ip pool
add name=OUT ranges=
add name=AP-1 ranges=
add name=AP-2 ranges=
add name=AP-3 ranges=
add name=AP-4 ranges=
add name=AP-5 ranges=
add name=AP-6 ranges=
add name=AP-7 ranges=
add name=AP-8 ranges=
add name=AP-9 ranges=
add name=AP-10 ranges=
add name=APH2 ranges=
/ip dhcp-server
add add-arp=yes address-pool=OUT disabled=no interface=OUT lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-1 disabled=no interface=AP-1 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-2 disabled=no interface=AP-2 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-3 disabled=no interface=AP-3 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-4 disabled=no interface=AP-4 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-5 disabled=no interface=AP-5 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-6 disabled=no interface=AP-6 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-7 disabled=no interface=AP-7 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-8 disabled=no interface=AP-8 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-9 disabled=no interface=AP-9 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=AP-10 disabled=no interface=AP-10 lease-time=3h \
add add-arp=yes address-pool=APH2 disabled=no interface=APH2 lease-time=3h \
/ip hotspot
add address-pool=OUT addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=OUT keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen Home" \
add address-pool=AP-1 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-1 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 1" \
add address-pool=AP-2 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-2 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 2" \
add address-pool=AP-3 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-3 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 3" \
add address-pool=AP-4 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-4 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 4" \
add address-pool=AP-5 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-5 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 5" \
add address-pool=AP-6 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-6 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 6" \
add address-pool=AP-7 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-7 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 7" \
add address-pool=AP-8 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-8 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 8" \
add address-pool=AP-9 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=AP-9 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen 9" \
add address-pool=AP-10 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=\
2m interface=AP-10 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name=\
"Yemen 10" profile=Hotspot
add address-pool=APH2 addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=2m \
interface=APH2 keepalive-timeout=3m login-timeout=5m name="Yemen H2" \
/queue simple
add comment=Center-Point name=Others queue=hotspot-default/hotspot-default \
add comment=Center-Point name= queue=\
hotspot-default/hotspot-default target=
add comment=Center-Point name= queue=\
hotspot-default/hotspot-default target=
add comment=Center-Point name= queue=hotspot-default/hotspot-default \
add comment=Center-Point name= queue=hotspot-default/hotspot-default \
/ip hotspot user profile
set [ find default=yes ] insert-queue-before=Others keepalive-timeout=3m \
on-login="{:local factoryTime [:pick [/system clock get date] 7 30];:if (\
\$factoryTime >= 2015) do={:local Systemdate [ /system clock get date ];:l\
ocal systemTime [ /system clock get time];:local LimitUptime [ /ip hotspot\
\_user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hotspot user\
\_get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local username [ /ip hotspot user get \$u\
ser name];:local PrintDate;:local PrintTime;:local IsFirstUse;:local Mac 0\
0:00:00:00:00:00;:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:\
if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={:set LimitUptime unlimited}; :if ([:le\
n \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={:set limitBytesTotal unlimited};:local Is\
comment [ :find \$content \"#\" ];:if ( \$Iscomment >= 0 ) do={:local pos1\
\_[:find \$content \"#\"];:local pos3 [:len \$content];:local pos2 ([:find\
\_[:pick \$content (\$pos1+1) \$pos3] \"%\"]+\$pos1+1);:set PrintDate [:p\
ick \$content 0 (\$pos1)];:set PrintTime [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1) \$po\
s2];:set IsFirstUse [:pick \$content (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3)];:if (\$IsFirstUs\
e = true) do={:set Mac [/ip hotspot active get [find user=\$username] mac-\
address];};[/ip hotspot user set \$user mac-address=\$Mac comment=(\$Syste\
mdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"%\" . \$PrintDate . \"!\" . \$PrintTime .\
\_\"^\" . \$Systemdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"*\" . \$limitBytesTotal \
. \"&\" . \$LimitUptime)];};};};\
\n" on-logout=" {:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:l\
ocal Uuptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$user uptime];:local LimitUptime [ /i\
p hotspot user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hots\
pot user get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local bytesOut [ /ip hotspot user \
get \$user bytes-out];:local IscommentAnd [ :find \$content \"&\" ];:local\
\_IscommentStar [ :find \$content \"*\" ];:if ( \$IscommentAnd >= 0 && \$I\
scommentStar >=0) do={:local pos1 [:find \$content \"*\"];:local pos2 [:le\
n \$content];:local comment [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1) ]; :local Timeleft\
;:local Sizletf;:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={ :set Timeleft unlimi\
ted};:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] != 0) do={ :set Timeleft (\$LimitUptime \
- \$Uuptime);};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={ :set Sizletf unl\
imited};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] != 0) do={:set Sizletf (\$limitBy\
tesTotal - \$bytesOut);};[/ip hotspot user set \$user comment=(\$comment \
. \"*\" . \$Sizletf . \"&\" . \$Timeleft)];};}; \
\n" rate-limit=400k/1500k
add insert-queue-before=Others keepalive-timeout=3m name=100 on-login="{:local\
\_factoryTime [:pick [/system clock get date] 7 30];:if (\$factoryTime >=\
\_2015) do={:local Systemdate [ /system clock get date ];:local systemTime\
\_[ /system clock get time];:local LimitUptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$us\
er limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hotspot user get \$user lim\
it-bytes-total];:local username [ /ip hotspot user get \$user name];:local\
\_PrintDate;:local PrintTime;:local IsFirstUse;:local Mac 00:00:00:00:00:0\
0;:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:if ([:len \$Lim\
itUptime] = 0) do={:set LimitUptime unlimited}; :if ([:len \$limitBytesT\
otal] = 0) do={:set limitBytesTotal unlimited};:local Iscomment [ :find\
\_\$content \"#\" ];:if ( \$Iscomment >= 0 ) do={:local pos1 [:find \$cont\
ent \"#\"];:local pos3 [:len \$content];:local pos2 ([:find [:pick \$conte\
nt (\$pos1+1) \$pos3] \"%\"]+\$pos1+1);:set PrintDate [:pick \$content 0 \
(\$pos1)];:set PrintTime [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1) \$pos2];:set IsFirst\
Use [:pick \$content (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3)];:if (\$IsFirstUse = true) do={:s\
et Mac [/ip hotspot active get [find user=\$username] mac-address];};[/ip \
hotspot user set \$user mac-address=\$Mac comment=(\$Systemdate . \"!\" . \
\$systemTime . \"%\" . \$PrintDate . \"!\" . \$PrintTime . \"^\" . \$Syste\
mdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"*\" . \$limitBytesTotal . \"&\" . \$Limit\
\n" on-logout=" {:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:l\
ocal Uuptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$user uptime];:local LimitUptime [ /i\
p hotspot user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hots\
pot user get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local bytesOut [ /ip hotspot user \
get \$user bytes-out];:local IscommentAnd [ :find \$content \"&\" ];:local\
\_IscommentStar [ :find \$content \"*\" ];:if ( \$IscommentAnd >= 0 && \$I\
scommentStar >=0) do={:local pos1 [:find \$content \"*\"];:local pos2 [:le\
n \$content];:local comment [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1) ]; :local Timeleft\
;:local Sizletf;:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={ :set Timeleft unlimi\
ted};:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] != 0) do={ :set Timeleft (\$LimitUptime \
- \$Uuptime);};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={ :set Sizletf unl\
imited};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] != 0) do={:set Sizletf (\$limitBy\
tesTotal - \$bytesOut);};[/ip hotspot user set \$user comment=(\$comment \
. \"*\" . \$Sizletf . \"&\" . \$Timeleft)];};}; \
\n" rate-limit=200k/600k
add insert-queue-before=Others keepalive-timeout=3m mac-cookie-timeout=1w3d \
name=500 on-login="{:local factoryTime [:pick [/system clock get date] 7 \
30];:if (\$factoryTime >= 2015) do={:local Systemdate [ /system clock get \
date ];:local systemTime [ /system clock get time];:local LimitUptime [ /i\
p hotspot user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hots\
pot user get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local username [ /ip hotspot user \
get \$user name];:local PrintDate;:local PrintTime;:local IsFirstUse;:loca\
l Mac 00:00:00:00:00:00;:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comm\
ent ];:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={:set LimitUptime unlimited}; :i\
f ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={:set limitBytesTotal unlimited};:l\
ocal Iscomment [ :find \$content \"#\" ];:if ( \$Iscomment >= 0 ) do={:loc\
al pos1 [:find \$content \"#\"];:local pos3 [:len \$content];:local pos2 (\
[:find [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1) \$pos3] \"%\"]+\$pos1+1);:set PrintDate\
\_ [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1)];:set PrintTime [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1\
) \$pos2];:set IsFirstUse [:pick \$content (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3)];:if (\$IsF\
irstUse = true) do={:set Mac [/ip hotspot active get [find user=\$username\
] mac-address];};[/ip hotspot user set \$user mac-address=\$Mac comment=(\
\$Systemdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"%\" . \$PrintDate . \"!\" . \$Prin\
tTime . \"^\" . \$Systemdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"*\" . \$limitBytes\
Total . \"&\" . \$LimitUptime)];};};};\
\n" on-logout=" {:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:l\
ocal Uuptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$user uptime];:local LimitUptime [ /i\
p hotspot user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hots\
pot user get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local bytesOut [ /ip hotspot user \
get \$user bytes-out];:local IscommentAnd [ :find \$content \"&\" ];:local\
\_IscommentStar [ :find \$content \"*\" ];:if ( \$IscommentAnd >= 0 && \$I\
scommentStar >=0) do={:local pos1 [:find \$content \"*\"];:local pos2 [:le\
n \$content];:local comment [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1) ]; :local Timeleft\
;:local Sizletf;:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={ :set Timeleft unlimi\
ted};:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] != 0) do={ :set Timeleft (\$LimitUptime \
- \$Uuptime);};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={ :set Sizletf unl\
imited};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] != 0) do={:set Sizletf (\$limitBy\
tesTotal - \$bytesOut);};[/ip hotspot user set \$user comment=(\$comment \
. \"*\" . \$Sizletf . \"&\" . \$Timeleft)];};}; \
\n" rate-limit=350k/1250k
add insert-queue-before=Others keepalive-timeout=3m name=Admin
add insert-queue-before=Others keepalive-timeout=3m mac-cookie-timeout=6d \
name=250 on-login="{:local factoryTime [:pick [/system clock get date] 7 \
30];:if (\$factoryTime >= 2015) do={:local Systemdate [ /system clock get \
date ];:local systemTime [ /system clock get time];:local LimitUptime [ /i\
p hotspot user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hots\
pot user get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local username [ /ip hotspot user \
get \$user name];:local PrintDate;:local PrintTime;:local IsFirstUse;:loca\
l Mac 00:00:00:00:00:00;:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comm\
ent ];:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={:set LimitUptime unlimited}; :i\
f ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={:set limitBytesTotal unlimited};:l\
ocal Iscomment [ :find \$content \"#\" ];:if ( \$Iscomment >= 0 ) do={:loc\
al pos1 [:find \$content \"#\"];:local pos3 [:len \$content];:local pos2 (\
[:find [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1) \$pos3] \"%\"]+\$pos1+1);:set PrintDate\
\_ [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1)];:set PrintTime [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1\
) \$pos2];:set IsFirstUse [:pick \$content (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3)];:if (\$IsF\
irstUse = true) do={:set Mac [/ip hotspot active get [find user=\$username\
] mac-address];};[/ip hotspot user set \$user mac-address=\$Mac comment=(\
\$Systemdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"%\" . \$PrintDate . \"!\" . \$Prin\
tTime . \"^\" . \$Systemdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"*\" . \$limitBytes\
Total . \"&\" . \$LimitUptime)];};};};\
\n" on-logout=" {:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:l\
ocal Uuptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$user uptime];:local LimitUptime [ /i\
p hotspot user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hots\
pot user get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local bytesOut [ /ip hotspot user \
get \$user bytes-out];:local IscommentAnd [ :find \$content \"&\" ];:local\
\_IscommentStar [ :find \$content \"*\" ];:if ( \$IscommentAnd >= 0 && \$I\
scommentStar >=0) do={:local pos1 [:find \$content \"*\"];:local pos2 [:le\
n \$content];:local comment [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1) ]; :local Timeleft\
;:local Sizletf;:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={ :set Timeleft unlimi\
ted};:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] != 0) do={ :set Timeleft (\$LimitUptime \
- \$Uuptime);};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={ :set Sizletf unl\
imited};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] != 0) do={:set Sizletf (\$limitBy\
tesTotal - \$bytesOut);};[/ip hotspot user set \$user comment=(\$comment \
. \"*\" . \$Sizletf . \"&\" . \$Timeleft)];};}; \
\n" rate-limit=300k/1024k
add insert-queue-before=Others keepalive-timeout=3m name=Sub on-login="{:local\
\_factoryTime [:pick [/system clock get date] 7 30];:if (\$factoryTime >=\
\_2015) do={:local Systemdate [ /system clock get date ];:local systemTime\
\_[ /system clock get time];:local LimitUptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$us\
er limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hotspot user get \$user lim\
it-bytes-total];:local username [ /ip hotspot user get \$user name];:local\
\_PrintDate;:local PrintTime;:local IsFirstUse;:local Mac 00:00:00:00:00:0\
0;:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:if ([:len \$Lim\
itUptime] = 0) do={:set LimitUptime unlimited}; :if ([:len \$limitBytesT\
otal] = 0) do={:set limitBytesTotal unlimited};:local Iscomment [ :find\
\_\$content \"#\" ];:if ( \$Iscomment >= 0 ) do={:local pos1 [:find \$cont\
ent \"#\"];:local pos3 [:len \$content];:local pos2 ([:find [:pick \$conte\
nt (\$pos1+1) \$pos3] \"%\"]+\$pos1+1);:set PrintDate [:pick \$content 0 \
(\$pos1)];:set PrintTime [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1) \$pos2];:set IsFirst\
Use [:pick \$content (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3)];:if (\$IsFirstUse = true) do={:s\
et Mac [/ip hotspot active get [find user=\$username] mac-address];};[/ip \
hotspot user set \$user mac-address=\$Mac comment=(\$Systemdate . \"!\" . \
\$systemTime . \"%\" . \$PrintDate . \"!\" . \$PrintTime . \"^\" . \$Syste\
mdate . \"!\" . \$systemTime . \"*\" . \$limitBytesTotal . \"&\" . \$Limit\
\n" on-logout=" {:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$user comment ];:l\
ocal Uuptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$user uptime];:local LimitUptime [ /i\
p hotspot user get \$user limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ /ip hots\
pot user get \$user limit-bytes-total];:local bytesOut [ /ip hotspot user \
get \$user bytes-out];:local IscommentAnd [ :find \$content \"&\" ];:local\
\_IscommentStar [ :find \$content \"*\" ];:if ( \$IscommentAnd >= 0 && \$I\
scommentStar >=0) do={:local pos1 [:find \$content \"*\"];:local pos2 [:le\
n \$content];:local comment [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1) ]; :local Timeleft\
;:local Sizletf;:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] = 0) do={ :set Timeleft unlimi\
ted};:if ([:len \$LimitUptime] != 0) do={ :set Timeleft (\$LimitUptime \
- \$Uuptime);};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] = 0) do={ :set Sizletf unl\
imited};:if ([:len \$limitBytesTotal] != 0) do={:set Sizletf (\$limitBy\
tesTotal - \$bytesOut);};[/ip hotspot user set \$user comment=(\$comment \
. \"*\" . \$Sizletf . \"&\" . \$Timeleft)];};}; \
\n" rate-limit=400k/1500k
/system logging action
set 0 memory-lines=5000
set 1 disk-lines-per-file=10000
add disk-file-name=disk1/log name=usb target=disk
/user group
set full policy="local,telnet,ssh,ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,pas\
/interface bridge nat
add action=drop chain=dstnat src-mac-address=\
/interface bridge port
add bridge=OUT interface=LAN
/ip neighbor discovery-settings
set discover-interface-list=none
/interface l2tp-server server
set use-ipsec=yes
/interface list member
add interface=OUT list=Out-List
add interface=AP-1 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-2 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-3 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-4 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-5 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-6 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-7 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-8 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-9 list=Out-List
add interface=AP-10 list=Out-List
add interface=APH2 list=Out-List
/ip address
add address= interface=AP-1 network=
add address= interface=AP-2 network=
add address= interface=AP-3 network=
add address= interface=AP-4 network=
add address= interface=AP-5 network=
add address= interface=AP-6 network=
add address= interface=AP-7 network=
add address= interface=AP-8 network=
add address= interface=AP-9 network=
add address= interface=AP-10 network=
add address= interface=APH2 network=
add address= interface=OUT network=
/ip arp
add address= interface=OUT mac-address=30:32:35:88:4F:4E
add address= interface=OUT mac-address=7C:B3:7B:A2:96:16
add address= interface=OUT mac-address=36:4D:B0:1D:26:4C
/ip cloud
set ddns-enabled=yes
/ip dhcp-server lease
add address= mac-address=30:32:35:88:4F:4E
add address= mac-address=7C:B3:7B:A2:96:16
/ip dhcp-server network
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
add address= gateway= ntp-server=
/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=yes cache-max-ttl=2d16h cache-size=30000KiB \
max-concurrent-queries=10000 max-concurrent-tcp-sessions=10000 \
max-udp-packet-size=30000 query-server-timeout=10s query-total-timeout=\
30s servers=,
/ip dns static
add address= comment="Secure Search"
add address= comment="Secure Search"
add address= comment="Secure Search" name=
add address= comment="Secure Search" name=\
add address= comment="Secure Search"
add address= comment="Secure Search"
add address= comment="Secure Search" name=
add address= comment="Secure Search" name=\
/ip firewall address-list
add address= list=NETWORK
add address= list=NETWORK
add address= list=ANTENA
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=Multicast list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment=RFC6890 list=not_in_internet
add address= comment="6to4 relay Anycast [RFC 3068]" list=\
/ip firewall filter
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\
"place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes
add action=drop chain=input comment=Freedom_akrm.alqadsi disabled=yes \
add action=drop chain=pre-hs-input comment=Freedom_akrm.alqadsi disabled=yes \
add action=reject chain=input content=freedom reject-with=\
add action=drop chain=input content=freedom
add action=reject chain=output content=freedom reject-with=\
add action=drop chain=output content=freedom
add action=drop chain=input dst-port=53 in-interface=WAN protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=input dst-port=53 in-interface-list=Out-List limit=\
2500,5:packet protocol=udp
add action=drop chain=input dst-port=53 in-interface-list=Out-List limit=\
2500,5:packet protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=\
add action=accept chain=input connection-state=established,related,untracked
add action=drop chain=forward connection-state=invalid
add action=drop chain=input connection-state=invalid
add action=fasttrack-connection chain=output port=53 protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=output port=53 protocol=udp
add action=drop chain=input dst-port=53 in-interface=4Mbps protocol=\
add action=drop chain=input dst-port=53 in-interface=4Mbps protocol=\
add action=fasttrack-connection chain=forward comment=FastTrack \
add action=accept chain=forward comment="Established, Related" \
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop invalid" connection-state=invalid \
log=yes log-prefix=invalid
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
"Drop tries to reach not public addresses from LAN" dst-address-list=\
not_in_internet in-interface=OUT log=yes log-prefix=!public_from_LAN \
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
"Drop incoming packets that are not NATted" connection-nat-state=!dstnat \
connection-state=new in-interface=WAN log=yes log-prefix=!NAT
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
"Drop incoming from internet which is not public IP" in-interface=WAN \
log=yes log-prefix=!public src-address-list=not_in_internet
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
"Drop packets from LAN that do not have LAN IP" in-interface=OUT log=yes \
log-prefix=LAN_!LAN src-address=!
/ip firewall mangle
add action=accept chain=prerouting dst-address-list=ANTENA in-interface-list=\
/ip firewall nat
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\
"place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot network" \
/ip hotspot ip-binding
add address= comment="AP-1 Lan0" mac-address=E0:63:DA:DF:78:95 \
add address= comment="AP-2 Lan0" mac-address=E0:63:DA:DF:76:CE \
add address= comment="AP-2 Lan1" mac-address=E2:63:DA:DF:76:CE \
add address= comment="AP-3 Lan0" mac-address=E0:63:DA:DF:77:74 \
add address= comment="AP-3 Lan1" mac-address=E2:63:DA:DF:77:74 \
add address= comment="AP-4 Lan0" mac-address=78:8A:20:A7:C3:42 \
add address= comment="AP-4 Lan1" mac-address=7A:8A:20:A7:C3:42 \
add address= comment="AP-5 Lan0" mac-address=78:8A:20:A7:C2:3C \
add address= comment="AP-6 Lan0" mac-address=F4:92:BF:B1:D3:5F \
add address= comment="AP-6 Lan1" mac-address=F6:92:BF:B1:D3:5F \
add address= comment=AP-7 mac-address=20:0D:B0:8F:17:05 type=\
add address= comment=AP-8 mac-address=20:0D:B0:8F:16:6F type=\
add address= comment="S-1 Lan0" mac-address=68:D7:9A:BA:F7:55 \
add address= comment="S-2 Lan0" mac-address=68:D7:9A:BB:FB:FF \
/ip service
set telnet disabled=yes
set ftp disabled=yes
set www port=8070
set ssh disabled=yes port=2032
set api port=4976
set winbox port=4978
set api-ssl disabled=yes
/ip ssh
set strong-crypto=yes
/ppp aaa
set use-radius=yes
add accounting-backup=yes address= disabled=yes service=\
ppp,login,hotspot,dhcp timeout=3s
/radius incoming
set accept=yes
/system clock
set time-zone-name=Asia/Aden
/system identity
set name=Yemen
/system package update
set channel=long-term
/system scheduler
add interval=5m name=LG_Mac on-event="if ( [/file get [/file find name=duplica\
te-mac.txt] size] > 0 ) do={ \r\
\n:local allmac [/file get [/file find name=\"duplicate-mac.txt\"] content\
s] ;\r\
\n:local allmaclen [ :len \$allmac ] ;\r\
\n:local linenum ((\$allmaclen -1)/18);\r\
\n:local n 0;\r\
\n:for i from=1 to=\$linenum do={\r\
\n:local lgmac [:pick \$allmac \$n (\$n+17)] ;\r\
\n:set n (\$i*19); \r\
\n/ip hotspot cookie remove [find where mac-address=\$lgmac];\r\
\n" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
add interval=6h name=Disable_ExpirUser_Hotspot on-event=\
Disable_ExpirUser_Hotspot policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
start-date=aug/12/2021 start-time=23:58:13
add interval=10m name=Save_Session_TimeLeft on-event=Save_Session_TimeLeft \
policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
start-date=aug/12/2021 start-time=23:58:13
add name=Check_Session_TimeLeft_After_Shutdown on-event=\
Check_Session_TimeLeft_After_Shutdown policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
add disabled=yes interval=5m name=ActiveHotspot on-event="/ip hotspot active\r\
\n:foreach i in=[find] do={\r\
\n:global mac [get \$i mac-address]\r\
\n:global us [get \$i user]\r\
\n/ip hotspot user\r\
\n:foreach nm in=[find name=\$us] do={\r\
\n:global mac2 [get \$nm mac-address]\r\
\n:if ([find mac-address] =\"\") do={ set \$nm mac-address=\"\$mac\"\r\
\n}}}" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
add dont-require-permissions=no name=Disable_ExpirUser_Hotspot owner=Yemen \
policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
source=" {#Created By Soliman alsaidi;\r\
\n:global NumberToday;:global NumberMinute;{:local date [ /system clock ge\
t date ];:local montharray ( \"jan\",\"feb\",\"mar\",\"apr\",\"may\",\"jun\
\",\"jul\",\"aug\",\"sep\",\"oct\",\"nov\",\"dec\" );:local monthdays ( 31\
, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 );:local days [ :pick \$date \
4 6 ];:local monthtxt [ :pick \$date 0 3 ];:local year [ :pick \$date 7 11\
\_];:local months ([ :find \$montharray \$monthtxt] );:for nodays from=0 t\
o=\$months do={:set days ( \$days + [ :pick \$monthdays \$nodays ] );};:se\
t days (\$days + \$year * 365);:set NumberToday \$days;:local systemTime [\
/system clock get time];:local hour [ :pick \$systemTime 0 2 ];:local mint\
\_[ :pick \$systemTime 3 5 ];:local mintNow ((\$hour*60)+\$mint);:local mi\
ntNowXnumberToday (\$mintNow+(\$NumberToday*24*60));:set NumberMinute \$mi\
ntNowXnumberToday;};:foreach i in [ /ip hotspot user find where disabled=n\
o ] do={:if ([ :find [ /ip hotspot user get \$i comment ] ] = 0 ) do={:loc\
al dateLogIn;:local TimeLogIn;:local ValidatType;:local SessionTimeLeft;:l\
ocal SizeLeft;:local offsetCut;:local price;:local PrintDate;:local TimePr\
int;:local ProfileName;:local LastLogin;:local timeLastLogin;:local commen\
t [ /ip hotspot user get \$i comment ];:local contentEmail [ /ip hotspot u\
ser get \$i email ];:local Iscomment [ :find \$comment \"^\" ];:local Isem\
ail [ :find \$contentEmail \"%\" ];:if ( \$Iscomment >= 0 && \$Isemail >\
= 0 ) do={:local pos1 [:find \$comment \"!\"];:local pos8 [:len \$comment]\
;:local pos2 ([:find [:pick \$comment (\$pos1+1) \$pos8] \"%\"]+\$pos1+1);\
:local pos3 ([:find [:pick \$comment (\$pos2+1) \$pos8] \"!\"]+\$pos2);:lo\
cal pos4 ([:find [:pick \$comment (\$pos3+1) \$pos8] \"^\"]+\$pos3);:local\
\_pos5 ([:find [:pick \$comment (\$pos4+1) \$pos8] \"!\"]+\$pos4);:local p\
os6 ([:find [:pick \$comment (\$pos5+1) \$pos8] \"*\"]+\$pos5);:local pos7\
\_([:find [:pick \$comment (\$pos6+1) \$pos8] \"&\"]+\$pos6);:set dateLogI\
n [:pick \$comment 0 (\$pos1)];:set TimeLogIn [:pick \$comment (\$pos1+1) \
\$pos2];:set PrintDate [:pick \$comment (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3+1)];:set TimePr\
int [:pick \$comment (\$pos3+2) (\$pos4+1)];:set LastLogin [:pick \$c\
omment (\$pos4+2) (\$pos5+1)] ;:set timeLastLogin [:pick \$comment (\$pos5\
+2) (\$pos6+1)]; :set SizeLeft [:pick \$comment (\$pos6+2) (\$pos7+1)];:s\
et SessionTimeLeft [:pick \$comment (\$pos7+2) (\$pos8)];:set pos1 [:find \
\$contentEmail \"!\"];:set pos4 [:len \$contentEmail];:set pos2 ([:find [:\
pick \$contentEmail (\$pos1+1) \$pos4] \"%\"]+\$pos1+1);:set pos3 ([:find \
[:pick \$contentEmail (\$pos2+1) \$pos4] \"@\"]+\$pos2);:set pos4 ([:find \
[:pick \$contentEmail (\$pos3+1) \$pos4] \".\"]+\$pos3);:set offsetCut [:p\
ick \$contentEmail 0 (\$pos1)];:set ProfileName [:pick \$contentEmail (\$p\
os1+1) \$pos2];:set price [:pick \$contentEmail (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3+1)];:se\
t ValidatType [:pick \$contentEmail (\$pos3+2) (\$pos4+1)];:local montharr\
ayUser ( \"jan\",\"feb\",\"mar\",\"apr\",\"may\",\"jun\",\"jul\",\"aug\",\
\"sep\",\"oct\",\"nov\",\"dec\" );:local monthdaysUser ( 31, 28, 31, 30, 3\
1, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 );:local daysUser [ :pick \$dateLogIn 4 6 ];\
:local monthtxtUser [ :pick \$dateLogIn 0 3 ];:local yearUser [ :pick \$da\
teLogIn 7 11 ];:local monthsUser ( [ :find \$montharrayUser \$monthtxtUser\
\_] );:for nodaysUser from=0 to=\$monthsUser do={:set daysUser ( \$daysUse\
r + [ :pick \$monthdaysUser \$nodaysUser ] );};:set daysUser (\$daysUser +\
\_\$yearUser * 365);:local hourUser [ :pick \$TimeLogIn 0 2 ];:local mintU\
ser [ :pick \$TimeLogIn 3 5 ];:local mintNowUser ((\$hourUser*60)+\$mintUs\
er);:local CardMinut (\$mintNowUser+((\$daysUser + \$offsetCut)*24*60)); \
:if ( \$ValidatType = \"h\" ) do={:if ( \$CardMinut <= \$NumberMinute ) do\
={:local name [/ip hotspot user get \$i name];:log info \"HOTSPOT Expir Sc\
ript: Disabling Hotspot user (\$name) --> first logged in --> (\$dateLogIn\
) ---> By SmartCreator\";[ /ip hotspot user disable \$name ];[ /ip hotspot\
\_active remove [find where user=\$name]];};};:if ( \$ValidatType = \"d\" \
) do={:if (( \$offsetCut+\$daysUser) > \$NumberToday ) do={:local DaysSub\
\_(\$offsetCut-(\$NumberToday - \$daysUser));:if ( \$DaysSub > 0 ) do={[/i\
p hotspot user set \$i limit-uptime=(\$DaysSub *(24*60*60))];};};};};};};\
};}; "
add dont-require-permissions=no name=Save_Session_TimeLeft owner=Yemen \
policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
source="{:foreach i in [ /ip hotspot active find where !radius ] do={:loca\
l SessionTimeLeft [ /ip hotspot active get \$i session-time-left];:local S\
izeTimeLeft [ /ip hotspot active get \$i limit-bytes-total];:local usernam\
e [ /ip hotspot active get \$i user];:local content [ /ip hotspot user get\
\_\$username comment ];:if ([:len \$SessionTimeLeft] = 0) do={ set Sessi\
onTimeLeft unlimited};:if ([:len \$SizeTimeLeft] = 0) do={ set SizeTimeLef\
t unlimited};:local IscommentAnd [ :find \$content \"&\" ];:local Iscommen\
tStar [ :find \$content \"*\" ];:if ( \$IscommentAnd >= 0 && \$IscommentSt\
ar >=0) do={:local pos1 [:find \$content \"*\"];:local pos2 [:len \$conten\
t];:local SubComment [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1) ];[/ip hotspot user set \
\$username comment=(\$SubComment . \"*\" . \$SizeTimeLeft . \"&\" . \$Sess\
ionTimeLeft)];};};}; "
add dont-require-permissions=no name=Check_Session_TimeLeft_After_Shutdown \
owner=Yemen policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=" \
{:foreach i in [ /ip hotspot user find where disabled=no] do={:local name \
[ /ip hotspot user get \$i name ];:local content [ /ip hotspot user get \$\
i comment ];:local uptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$i uptime ];:local limit\
Uptime [ /ip hotspot user get \$i limit-uptime ];:local limitBytesTotal [ \
/ip hotspot user get \$i limit-bytes-total];:local bytesOut [ /ip hotspot \
user get \$i bytes-out];:local IscommentAnd [ :find \$content \"&\" ];:loc\
al IscommentStar [ :find \$content \"*\" ];:if ( \$IscommentAnd >= 0 && \$\
IscommentStar >=0) do={:local SubComment;:local Sizletf;:local Timeleft;:l\
ocal pos1 [:find \$content \"*\"];:local pos3 [:len \$content];:local pos2\
\_([:find [:pick \$content (\$pos1+1) \$pos3] \"&\"]+\$pos1+1);:set SubCom\
ment [:pick \$content 0 (\$pos1)];:set Sizletf [:pick \$content (\$pos1\
+1) \$pos2];:set Timeleft [:pick \$content (\$pos2+1) (\$pos3)];:if ( ([\
:totime \$Timeleft] > 00:00:00) && \$Timeleft != \"unlimited\" ) do={:if (\
\_\$Timeleft < (\$limitUptime - \$uptime)) do={[/ip hotspot user set \$na\
me limit-uptime= (\$Timeleft + \$uptime )];};};:if (\$Sizletf < \$limitByt\
esTotal && \$Sizletf !=\"unlimited\" ) do={:if ( \$Sizletf < (\$limitBytes\
Total - \$bytesOut)) do={[ /ip hotspot user set \$name limit-bytes-total=\
\_(\$Sizletf + \$bytesOut )];};};};};}; "
add dont-require-permissions=no name=Automaticallybackups owner=Yemen \
policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
source="# Automatically backups.\r\
\n:log warning \"Start Backup MikroTik Router . . . \"\r\
\n/system backup cloud upload-file action=create-and-upload name=([/system\
\_identity get name]) replace=([/system identity get name]) password=dH4_\
\n:delay 60s\r\
\n:log warning \"Backup completed successfully.\"\r\
add dont-require-permissions=no name=SmartErorrCards owner=Yemen policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=\
add dont-require-permissions=no name=SmartErorrProfile owner=Yemen policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=\
/tool bandwidth-server
set enabled=no
/tool mac-server
set allowed-interface-list=none
/tool mac-server mac-winbox
set allowed-interface-list=none
/tool mac-server ping
set enabled=no
/tool netwatch
add down-script="{:beep length=3 frequency=1100; :log warning message=\"There'\
s no internet\";:while ([/tool netwatch find where status=down]) do={:beep\
\_length=500ms frequency=1100;:delay delay-time=15s;}}" host= \