IPsec: Matching Identity by SAN
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 5:39 pm
Is it possible to match an identity via the SAN that contains the certificate?
I would like to avoid having to keep all certificates on the gateway, but still not using the id set by the client.
Each client gets its own mode config in which it is assigned a static IP, so it is important to differentiate between them.
I've already tried various combinations, maybe I just haven't gotten the right syntax yet.
Unfortunately, I cannot distinguish between the remote IP, since all clients are behind NAT. And sometimes in the same NAT.
I would like to avoid having to keep all certificates on the gateway, but still not using the id set by the client.
Each client gets its own mode config in which it is assigned a static IP, so it is important to differentiate between them.
I've already tried various combinations, maybe I just haven't gotten the right syntax yet.
Unfortunately, I cannot distinguish between the remote IP, since all clients are behind NAT. And sometimes in the same NAT.