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Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:52 pm
by Aymen1986
Hello guys
I have RB2011 and it's configured to distribute internet for users across Nanostations M2 ,
Nanostations are configured to have a static ip address, every thing is ok since long time, yesterday i couldn't access Nanostations to change some of settings,
When i looked at host menu i saw different IP address for Nanostations as illustrated in attachment pic,so what's wrong with that?

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:00 pm
by Aymen1986
I can't believe no one has the answer

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:46 pm
by Zacharias
Are they configured with Static IP through their interface or a Static Lease from the MikroTik side ?

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:27 pm
by Aymen1986
Are they configured with Static IP through their interface or a Static Lease from the MikroTik side ?
They are configured with static IP through their interface

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 8:38 pm
by Zacharias
Are they configured with Static IP through their interface or a Static Lease from the MikroTik side ?
They are configured with static IP through their interface
If the AP gets an address through the DHCP while it has a Static one set then you should check the APs settings again...

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:06 pm
by bpwl
Is that the hotspot hosts table?
This is information about the clients. The hotspot (re-)assigns the IP address.

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:23 am
by Zacharias
Is that the hotspot hosts table?
This is information about the clients. The hotspot (re-)assigns the IP address.
The Hotspot indeed makes an IP translation ( if the to-address parameter is used ), but that won't actually change the IP of the Device itself ( i think that is obvious )..

If for example 2 Laptops are connected to the Hotspot and they have static IPs assigned to their interfaces, if the parameter to-address under the user's Profile is used, those IPs will be translated ( according to the IP Pool used ) in the Hotspots Host Table but that does not mean that those 2 Laptops can not communicate with each other using the Static IPs assigned to their Interfaces...

So if the AP has a static IP assigned to its interface, then a device in the same subnet should be able to reach it regardless of the Hotspots IP translation ...

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:07 am
by bpwl
They will communicate just as the other clients communicate among each other, if the traffic is not passing through and triggering the NAT of the hotspot.

Just make the NAT transparant if you cannot suppress it. Do the AP's need to get to the internet on their own? If not then they should be blocked from the hotspot, if yes they should bypass the hotspot.

Answers in the manual????

IP Binding
IP-Binding HotSpot menu allows to the setup of static One-to-One NAT translations, allows to bypass specific HotSpot clients without any authentication, and also allows to block specific hosts and subnets from the HotSpot network

Re: Issue in static IP addresses of Antennas

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:32 pm
by Zacharias
They will communicate just as the other clients communicate among each other, if the traffic is not passing through and triggering the NAT of the hotspot.
And it won't ...
Connect 2 devices in the Hotspot but do not login, if you try to ping each device you will notice that the ICMP will be successful...
The Traffic wont pass through the Firewall Facility ( L3 ) since the communication is on the L2...
Or lets say you have a network printer in a network where Hotspot is enabled, will you make the printer login to the hotspot ? No ... Do you need an IP Binding for the Printer in order to Print ? No...

You would need an IP Binding in case you want to access the Internet for Example without the need to Login in the Hotspot, or if the device in general needs to follow some routing paths ( reachable through VPN etc ... )