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Broken x86 after upgrade to v7.1

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:15 am
by kresozg
upgrade went OK on lot of different devices (CCR 1009, 1036, SXT5, SXT2, LTE6, SXT AC) except on x86.
We have one Alix with CF card.
It was running on 6.49 before upgrade to 7.1
After upgrade it wont boot and CF card is not readable by Netinstall in order to backup key
After formating card and reinstaling router OS 6.49 it works again.
I have tested once more upgrade to 7.1 and it once more broken x86 and it wont boot.
First time i used Quick set -->> check for upgrade
if i copy RO npk file for x86 and reboot it wont upgrade.
also netinstaling v7.1 didnt work.

dear Mikrotik support can you help me with restoring my level 4 licence?

Re: Broken x86 after upgrade to v7.1

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:25 pm
by ConnyMercier
You are not alone, a couple of guy's had problem updating to ROSv7.1 on x86
Usually Mikrotik doesn't help restoring lost Licences...

try contacting support directly

Re: Broken x86 after upgrade to v7.1

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:28 pm
by r00t
Before upgrading x86 ALWAYS make full image of the card/usb flash/HDD/etc. as a backup as license ID is stored there somewhere (I think partition table or boot sector or something similar).
Unlike for HW routers, this ID is partially randomly generated when installing ROS on a blank disk, meaning if you wipe it, it WILL BE DIFFERENT next time... and your paid license goes *poof*.
At least on x86 it's really easy to just clone/image the disk to file as a backup... so always do that!

Re: Broken x86 after upgrade to v7.1

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:12 am
by citizen25
I just tried to upgrade an x86 from 6.49.5,6,7 (Yes tried on clones on all three) Upon reboot they will post but not boot. These was clones of one of my x86 core routers seeing as none worked I will be holding off on the x86 upgrade and staying on ver 6 until this test passes. As I seem to have the same problem as this post even though i was trying to upgrade to ros7.6. Is there any time line of when this upgrade will be stable.

Note I have done this upgrade on Arm, Arm64 CHR, and MIPSBE So far this has worked every time since 7.3 and newer save when a known stated bugs public in release files. Are we dealing with a bad boot sector or another problem?

Re: Broken x86 after upgrade to v7.1

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:58 am
by cklee234
I just tried to upgrade an x86 from 6.49.5,6,7 (Yes tried on clones on all three) Upon reboot they will post but not boot. These was clones of one of my x86 core routers seeing as none worked I will be holding off on the x86 upgrade and staying on ver 6 until this test passes. As I seem to have the same problem as this post even though i was trying to upgrade to ros7.6. Is there any time line of when this upgrade will be stable.

Note I have done this upgrade on Arm, Arm64 CHR, and MIPSBE So far this has worked every time since 7.3 and newer save when a known stated bugs public in release files. Are we dealing with a bad boot sector or another problem?
x86 upgraded from v6 to v7 should not be a problem.

First need to update to the latest version in v6,
download the v7 packages and drag to the ROS directory,
Reboot should then bring you V7 system

Re: Broken x86 after upgrade to v7.1

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:23 am
by antonsb
Is this 32bit CPU?
x86 32bit only is not supported by RouterOS v7