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Can enable www-ssl on any port but 443

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:44 pm
by olivier2831

On a RB2011, I'm trying to enable www-ssl with my self-signed cert.
I followed these steps [1].

It does work when setting ssl port to many value but 443, as if this 443 was already used for something else.
Using webfig, after changing port value to 443 and clicking over Apply button, an "invalid" notice is displayed.
After changing port value to 21443 and clicking over Apply button, a "not invalid" notice is displayed.
Looking at IP/Services table, I can't see service running at 443.

Any idea ?

[1] viewtopic.php?t=87349

Best regards

Re: Can enable www-ssl on any port but 443

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:16 pm
by Sob
You need to find what uses the port, there are not so many things on router that can do it. If it's not something in IP->Services, it could be VPN server (SSTP, OpenVPN), possibly few other things I don't remember just now. I'd try to export config and look for "443" in there.

Re: Can enable www-ssl on any port but 443 [SOLVED]

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:49 pm
by olivier2831
You need to find what uses the port, there are not so many things on router that can do it. If it's not something in IP->Services, it could be VPN server (SSTP, OpenVPN), possibly few other things I don't remember just now. I'd try to export config and look for "443" in there.
I exported running config and saw a firewall mentioning both SSTP and port 443.
Then I went to PPP/Interface/SSTP Server, disabled SSTP and I could enable www-ssl on port 443.

Thank you very much for replying.