I am looking out for an easy option to implement CGNAT in order to comply with the legal authority's in India.
as per the Mikrotik manual, below is the script to create some NAT entry's.
:global sqrt do={
:for i from=0 to=$1 do={
:if (i * i > $1) do={ :return ($i - 1) }
:global addNatRules do={
/ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=jump jump-target=xxx \
src-address="$($srcStart)-$($srcStart + $count - 1)"
:local x [$sqrt $count]
:local y $x
:if ($x * $x = $count) do={ :set y ($x + 1) }
:for i from=0 to=$x do={
/ip firewall nat add chain=xxx action=jump jump-target="xxx-$($i)" \
src-address="$($srcStart + ($x * $i))-$($srcStart + ($x * ($i + 1) - 1))"
:for i from=0 to=($count - 1) do={
:local prange "$($portStart + ($i * $portsPerAddr))-$($portStart + (($i + 1) * $portsPerAddr) - 1)"
/ip firewall nat add chain="xxx-$($i / $x)" action=src-nat protocol=tcp src-address=($srcStart + $i) \
to-address=$toAddr to-ports=$prange
/ip firewall nat add chain="xxx-$($i / $x)" action=src-nat protocol=udp src-address=($srcStart + $i) \
to-address=$toAddr to-ports=$prange
After pasting above script in the terminal function "addNatRules" is available. If we take our example, we need to map 6 shared network addresses to be mapped to and each address uses range of 100 ports starting from 2000. So we run our function:
$addNatRules count=6 srcStart= toAddr= portStart=2000 portsPerAddr=100
now my question is, how will I add the out-interface too all this NAT rules created.
normally adding outt-interface to hundreds of NAT rules by hand is a never ending work for an ISP.
any work around?
thanks a lot in advance
Suman Bhokray