wAP R ac. For LTE on Mikrotik, at this point, these work pretty well since the hit the LTE "trifecta": USB 3.0, miniPCIe, and external antennas (with pigtails/punchout), with both ZeroTier support (as wAP R ac is an ARM device) & 5Ghz ac Wi-Fi as a bonus.
I don't think the wAP ac R will ever support wifiwave2 is one downside to them. While the Audience does support wifiwave2, it no external antenna option and only the LTE6 modem is available.
> /system/routerboard/print
board-name: wAP R ac
model: RBwAPGR-5HacD2HnD
firmware-type: ipq4000L
current-firmware: 7.2rc3
I'm a big fan of ZeroTier, at least as super-easy way of managing remote LTE device. In fact, just upgraded two ARM LTE device over ZeroTier (wAP R ac with Telit960/4x4 MIMO external antenna and an Audience with R11e-LTE6). Once the LTE interface pops up after upgrade, my Mac on a different network can access them via ZT. And since ZT is Layer2, winbox discovery over CGNAT'ed LTE even works. (They are test box that were local so if error, COULD have used ethernet/Wi-Fi to fix, but didn't have too

But totally need ARM for ZeroTeir. Also, why the ARM-based wAP ac R is quite nice for something that is shipping today. I'm in the US, so the Mikrotik R11e modem all kinda suck, but these wAP R ac model have a SKU without a modem, so you can buy a more appropriate miniPCIe modem module. They also allow you to add add SMA pigtails to also improve the subpar LTE antennas they come and/or use 4x4 MIMO.