Hi there
I have a HEX S (RB760iGS) at home, acting as a router, capsman (controlling 2 CAP AC and 1 HAP AC2), where i used to run openVPN, and now migrated to Wireguard (super cool).
Since i help an ONG with their IT stuff (i work in IT myself), i got them the same router, mostly mirroring my configuration (but without openvpn).
I then connected that router to an ipsec vpn (softether) in an azure VM.
Said vpn was not fully ok for them, so when i learned about wireguard, i set it up in their Router as i had done on mine, and configured their windows 2019 VM as a peer. (i also added peers to the remote server so that they can either access it from the office via their router or on the go, like i do at home).
That works ok.
I also tried connecting my home to their router, which also works.
The only thing that does NOT work, is road warrior access to them.
Android/windows clients connect, but there is only info transfered, never received (log shows no handshake after 5 seconds and retries).
I read somewhere that ipsec configs might conflict with wireguard, but i believe i removed everything from the old config.
I have not added the wireguard interface to the LAN list (just like i did not at home), and i used individual rules to allow forward/input from the wireguard IPs to the lan/mikrotik (just like i did at home, but i did try adding it later on with no success).
I don't know what else to try, there are little differences between their TIK and mine (we have the same ISP, with the same modem set in bridge mode, we both have a switch connected to it, albeit in different ports, and what they don't have, is more tik devices, they have some lame tplink or nisuta wifi router used as a makeshift AP).
My Tik has the bridge set as "non root" and with 1 port set as "root port". Theirs, even if i did the same while configuring it, has the bridge set as "root" and all ports as "designated". (never touched that, so i don't know the difference or if it could be a problem).
Both devices have the bridge with "arp enabled" (theirs had it as proxy arp for something needed on the ipsec vpn, but i set it as mine when i removed ipsec)
In my device, under the switch section, every port has Defailt VLAN ID 1, and in their case, only the ethernet1 (used for internet) port has it.
We don't use vlans (neither at home, nor at their super small office).
I am tempted to go and reset their whole thing, but i am trapped at home with covid and they only stop working on sundays.
In the attached picture you will see all the info i think is relevant.
At home, i used (don't ask) for the LAN range and for wireguard (tik device is always .254).
In their case its for LAN and for wireguard (kept the softether ip range so that they had no reconfigurations needed). .254 is always their TIK and .253 is their cloud server.
When all failed, i recreated the road warrir peers, and also created a new wireguard server with a different range ( to test with the road warriors, which still failed.
I then connected my TIK to theirs on this new device/ip, and it worked.
I seem to understand that its only working when the endpoint and port is defined and not for road warriors.
I usually add my peers with /32 in the tik peer section, but i tried one with /24 too (seen on the picture).
I am out of ideas.