Is my Serial Console enabled and switched on?
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:58 pm
Hi all,
I have a CRS328-24P-4S+RM, and have it's serial console plugged in. The serial console does not respond. Other serial consoles work on other devices, so we know the client side works fine. We have tried different cables, introducing null modem cables, nothing works.
The question is, given this configuration, is the serial console enabled and switched on?
There is a flag called F for "free". What does "free" mean? There is another option called "used". What does "used" mean in this context.
If I can eliminate "configured wrong", and I can send this router in for repair.
I have a CRS328-24P-4S+RM, and have it's serial console plugged in. The serial console does not respond. Other serial consoles work on other devices, so we know the client side works fine. We have tried different cables, introducing null modem cables, nothing works.
The question is, given this configuration, is the serial console enabled and switched on?
Code: Select all
[minfrin@router] /system console> print
Flags: X - disabled, U - used, F - free
0 F serial0 vt102
If I can eliminate "configured wrong", and I can send this router in for repair.