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RB4011 sudden death

Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:46 pm

Hello all,
I have been using an RB4011 for the last few months
recently it bricked. wifi was working but all ports were off and the despite the wifi being on no dhcp was present.
The unit was noticeably hot and attempts to reset it failed.
I have since taken it down and replaced it with its older brother the Rb2011 which is ok, no 5g etc but we can manage.

please advise what went is nearly 1 year old.


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Re: RB4011 sudden death

Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:08 pm

please advise what went is nearly 1 year old.
Obviously some electronics stuff inside broke, overheated and the unit died. Such things happen.
Return it to your retailer and get it replaced. If it is less than a year old, it is most likely replaced under warranty.