Graphing doesn't allow any adjustments to the time intervals, these are hard-coded:
- 5-minute average for daily graph (288 values)
- 30-minute average for weekly graph (336 values)
- 2-hour average for monthly graph (372 values)
- 1-day average for yearly graph (365 values)
All in all that's 1361 values (give or take) per graphed parameter. As time passes, old values get purged so data set size remains constant.
If these values are stored as single precission floats (which is already excessive as graphs don't provide that much of detail), that means around 5.3kiB of data per parameter. Small devices have up to 10 parameters (in default config) and up to some 25 parameters is IMO sensible config on ARM devices with 16MB storage, so less than 150kiB for graphing data.
The only way that storage consumption goes high is if one wants to graph data for many interfaces and/or queues ... and I expect that routers running many of either will have more than 16MB of flash storage anyway ...
For any better graphing/logging, use some 3rd party tools. Such as cacti with SNMP data collection.