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Help! 2.9.38 RB532A & 2xSR5 rebooting randomly

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:41 pm
by Semaphore
2 X Sr5
PacWireless 48v POE
120' Shielded Ethernet
WLAN1 AP-Bridge Transmit power 23 dbm
WLAN2 AP-Bridge W/WDS Transmit power 17 dbm

Rebooting randomly. Appears to be related to Through-put on WDS the Interface, but I cannot reliably reproduce it.

It generates an autosupout file (can anyone read these?), and very occasionally (like 1 out of 10 times) I see a Kernel Failure message in the Log.

Looks like it could be a power problem but I have the same POE running 60 feet further on the same STP cable type to the same RB/SR5 setup, at another site without a problem...

Any Ideas ?

Re: Help! 2.9.38 RB532A & 2xSR5 rebooting randomly

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:05 am
by bushy
Power problem for sure i'd say , even though the other site has a longer run.
Good example : had a board running away for weeks no problems then it started rebooting. Sorted the power and it was happy again

Re: Help! 2.9.38 RB532A & 2xSR5 rebooting randomly

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:06 pm
by Semaphore
It's some kind of power problem for sure ... Climbed the tower this morning and found this :

Anyone have any idea as to the cause ?
