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2adsl lines and hotspot server

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:21 am
by foffa
hello all

hope you help me

i have two adsl lines 1mb and other 2mb
i want a group of customers to work with the frist adsl line

and the other group to work on the secod adsl line

(all with hotspot and i use dhcp server )

Re: 2adsl lines and hotspot server

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:21 am
by patagonia
Hi foffa, for i understand of your message, you can use nth with 2 connection mark to the adsl line with 2m and 1 connection to the 1m adsl. Maybe you can write an script that mark all connection from one client logged and route this connection to the adsl, repeat this with the next client to route to the same adsl (2 megas), and the third client route to the second adsl of 1m. I believe that both thinks are similar, for what I recommend to you the first one (the nth).

Re: 2adsl lines and hotspot server

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:12 am
by foffa
(nth) is what sorry for miss understand