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User Manager timeouts and logging

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:01 pm
by rileonar
Hi all,

I'm starting to use the usermanager infrastructure with hotspot, and here is some important questions:

1) I want to enable some "inactivity timeout" on every user, so if he doesn't logout it's credit doesn't vanish.
How to change that timeout to a short value (like 5 minutes)?

2) I need to set some "user expiration" independently from the remaining credit he has. For instance, if the user is an Hotel guest and he booked the room for 5 days, after this period he should be not able to access the hotspot, although it's credit is not expired. Is it possible from usermanager or what else?

3) I'd like to customize the voucher HTML with customer's logo. Is it possible? I tried with many image formats (png, tif, bmp, gif...) and tag syntax with no success.

Now some logging questions: I need to build an external logging server, in order to avoid log into small routerboard memory. I'd like to use Mikrotik free syslog utility. So the following data should be collected by an external windows server.

4) How can I externally collect all the URL accessed by hotspot users?

5) How can I externally replicate the information stored on sessions, reports and logs onto the external syslog?

6) Is the userman internal storage (sessions, reports and logs) ciclical? What happens if it get full?

Many thanks in advance.


Re: User Manager timeouts and logging

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:21 pm
by rileonar
No answer at all.... :(
Maybe because I forgot to say that partial answers are welcome, too! :)

In the mean time I found by myself some answer or workaround:

1) about inactivity timeout I found idle-timeout keyword in /ip hotspot that should work, but unfortunately windows send a lot of packets in background, so maybe I have to find another way. Router interface also send packets (does anybody know what 5678 port is and what's it's use?)

2) I think user expiration could be obtained by uptime-limit feature in /tool user-manager user. The only problem I see is the validity period of the user starts when he login for the first time. Some feature like "not-valid-before" and "not-valid-after" or "auto-remove-after" could be useful; another way is to obtain this behaviour by some complex script...
Any comment about these approach?

3) No way found to add logo images on the voucher

4) I found a way using something like: "/ system logging add topics=web-proxy prefix="" action=SysLog disabled=no". The only problem is to split account items from debug items... Any hints?

5) and 6): No workaround found.
To export the report is not necessary, but to collect sessions and logs it's very important IMHO.
I think it could be enough a new /system logging topic like "usermanager" in order to redirect it's output to an external syslog.

7) Just another point about Mikrotik syslog utility: does anybody know how to save to file? The SyslogManual talks about a plugin called "Message saver", but I don't know where to get it.

Any discussion to share and increase this knowledge will be highly appreciated.


Re: User Manager timeouts and logging

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:56 pm
by sergejs
1) You may set keepalive timeout, but it will timeout only in case, when PC is not accessible for this time. Of course user would not be logged out, if PC is switched on. User should use logout option at this case.

2) Currently there is only such options to specify for the limit,

3) The following modifications to the logo are possible, ... r_template

4) Transparent web-proxy should be enabled on the router, where clients are connected.
Transparent web-proxy allows to log all visited pages by users. It is possible to send logs to remote syslog server.

5) system logging add action=Syslog topic=web-proxy,!debug' should help you.

6) Currently User-Manager logs are available via 'tool user-manager logs'.
It is not possible to send them like other RouterOS logs.

7) Use more advanced syslog manager, e.g. you may use Dude or other, that provides you with more advanced features.

Re: User Manager timeouts and logging

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:21 pm
by rileonar
Hi Sergejs,

first of all thank you for your help, it solved most of my problems.

Just some clarification are needed:

3) the syntax about the img seems correct but it doesn't work whatever is the path. For instance, if I config this: src="/umw/toplogo.jpg" it works, but if I config this: src="/img/somelogo.jpg" it doesn't work.
So what is the path and syntax to use nvram as logo repository?

6) I understand is currently not possible to externally log the usermanager activity. So my questions are:
- are the "/ tool user-manager log" and "tool user-manager session" areas cyclical?
- if yes, what is their max size before wrap-around?
- if not, what happens when them get full?

Thanks again for your support.