AND HOW DO I MAKE HIM SEE MY ROUTES, WHY HE CLAIMS I'M NOT ADVERTISEMENT ANY ROUTESimply ask the operator to provide you only default route, and nothing more.
I would like someone to help me, I really need to do a filter to announce my ipv6 block to the operator, and block the millions of routes received by her.
/routing filter rule
add chain=dead.beef.101 rule="if (dst==200:dead:beef:101::/64) {accept}"
add chain=dead.beef.102 rule="if (dst==200:dead:beef:102::/64) {accept}"
add chain=dead.beef.agg rule="if (dst in 200:dead:beef::/48) {accept}"
add chain=bgp-out-v6 rule="if (chain dead.beef.101) {set bgp-local-pref 300; accept}"
add chain=bgp-out-v6 rule="if (chain dead.beef.102) {accept}"
add chain=bgp-out-v6 rule="if (chain dead.beef.agg && dst-len<128) {set bgp-local-pref 150; accept}"
SORRY BUT IN THIS VERSION I'M BAD STILL, COULD MODIFY JA RULE FOR MY BLOCK ALREADY. FOLLOW THE BLOCK BELOW,I would like someone to help me, I really need to do a filter to announce my ipv6 block to the operator, and block the millions of routes received by her.
Here is an IPv6 filtering example for advertised prefixes from a blog post I wrote: ... g-filters/
Code: Select all/routing filter rule add chain=dead.beef.101 rule="if (dst==200:dead:beef:101::/64) {accept}" add chain=dead.beef.102 rule="if (dst==200:dead:beef:102::/64) {accept}" add chain=dead.beef.agg rule="if (dst in 200:dead:beef::/48) {accept}" add chain=bgp-out-v6 rule="if (chain dead.beef.101) {set bgp-local-pref 300; accept}" add chain=bgp-out-v6 rule="if (chain dead.beef.102) {accept}" add chain=bgp-out-v6 rule="if (chain dead.beef.agg && dst-len<128) {set bgp-local-pref 150; accept}"
I'm currently using RouterOS 7.2.1 and I'm thinking of upgrading to the latest one, 7.3.1You still haven't specified which RouterOS you are using.
/ipv6 firewall address-list
add address=2804:284c::/32 list=bgp-networks
/routing filter rule
add chain=bgp-out-v6 rule="if (dst in 2804:284c::/32 && dst-len >= 32 && protocol bgp) { accept }"